Portland Public Schools, OR

Portland, Oregon

Suggested Citation:
National Council on Teacher Quality. (2018). Portland Public Schools, OR. Teacher Contract Database. [Data set].
Retrieved from: https://www.nctq.org/contract-database/district/Portland-Public-Schools,-OR
  • 103rd

    largest school district
    in the country

  • $50k

    starting salary

  • $99k

    max salary

  • 3

    years to tenure

  • 46,924


  • 2,748


  • 36%

    free/reduced lunch

Labor context

  • District is operating under a current agreement.
  • State requires collective bargaining by school districts if a majority of teachers vote for union representation.
  • The primary union or professional association is affiliated with NEA.

Student Demographics

*N/A indicates the issue was not addressed in scope of NCTQ reviewed documents.
**School district teacher count, enrollment, and demographic data is from the 2018-2019 school year, sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics.
***Native Populations includes American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Hawaiian Native students

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