Boosting Achievement
Advance reading and math achievement via evidence-based instructional practices by effective teachers.

Through rigorous research and advocacy, we work to strengthen teachers’ capacity to deliver effective instruction, giving every child access to a strong education—especially those long underserved by our systems.
For more than 25 years, the National Council on Teacher Quality has improved educational opportunities for millions of children by engaging with states, school districts, and teacher preparation programs to enact changes that strengthen and diversify the teacher workforce.
We collect unique data on the policies and practices of each of these stakeholders and compare it to high-quality, peer-reviewed research and best practices from across the world to develop actionable, evidence-based recommendations. We are a challenge organization aiming to drive improvements, and we champion those leading the way.
As a nonpartisan nonprofit, this work is led by a team of passionate education researchers and communications experts—many of whom served as teachers and held district- and state-level leadership positions before coming to NCTQ.
Advance reading and math achievement via evidence-based instructional practices by effective teachers.
Promote evidence-based policies, practices, and data systems that enable states and districts to strategically attract, support, and retain a strong and diverse teacher workforce.
Ensure content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge among teachers so they are prepared for the classroom on Day 1.