Search Results: Professional Development

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69 results found

More than words: 7 approaches to monitoring implementation of reading laws

AI coaching for teachers: Does it work, and do teachers trust it?,-and-do-teachers-trust-it
New research suggests that targeted and timely AI feedback on teachers' instruction is possible and can improve instruction—but teachers still have their doubts.

When it comes to Chicago students, patience may not be a virtue,-patience-may-not-be-a-virtue
Researchers say Chicago Public Schools ultimately assigns students to teachers known to be low-performing and unlikely to improve.

How long is your school year? It depends—a lot—on where you live

In the eye of the beholder: What happens when teachers think the curriculum is too tough for students?
A new report explores why some teachers don't use standards-aligned curriculum materials. Here's what states and districts should do to ensure teachers feel empowered and supported to use high-quality materials.

No need to beg, borrow, and steal: A road map for how states can implement and sustain reading policies,-borrow,-and-steal:-A-road-map-for-how-states-can-implement-and-sustain-reading-policies
State education leaders shouldn't work alone to enact teacher-focused reading policies, writes NCTQ President Heather Peske. Instead, they can look to states that have already blazed the trail and laid...

What's resonating with school district leaders and staff in 2023
Explore the most popular District Trendline posts of 2023, spotlighting topics like paid parental leave benefits, housing costs in relation to teaching salaries, the diversification of the teacher workforce, and...

Increasing teacher diversity: Four ways districts can take action
Pipelines, incentives, retention strategies, and data tracking lead to greater diversity.

Precious little time: How to make teachers' professional learning worthwhile
How do you balance teachers' need for professional development with the time it takes away from their students? And do you make sure that time is well spent?

Teacher Professional Development: What works and what might surprise you
Teachers need to be constant learners to keep up with an ever-changing landscape. But professional development can vary a lot, which makes it hard to know what will ultimately help...

Investing in new teacher orientation and mentoring can produce long-term benefits

Teaching that goes beyond the test? How to measure the many accomplishments of great teachers
What does the research say about measuring how great a teacher is other than their students' test scores?

Can AI help optimize instruction and increase student learning?
Mention AI in a school setting and most people think of ChatGPT and cheating scandals. But AI in school settings isn't all bad.

Teachers and students win from video-based professional coaching
Providing teachers with feedback—through a medium that allows them to explicitly see how they responded to various scenarios—could help teachers become more effective.

Planning time may help mitigate teacher burnout—but how much planning time do teachers get?
A look at how the nation's largest districts address planning and collaboration time for elementary and secondary teachers

What do we know about retaining special education teachers of color?
New research finds that paraprofessional support, time, caseload, resources, and professional development all play major factors in retention.

How are districts observing and providing feedback to teachers?
Frequent observations and feedback can help teachers excel in the classroom.

Eight ways states can act now to retain an effective, diverse teacher workforce,-diverse-teacher-workforce
A focus on teacherrecruitment without appropriate attention to retention is like trying tocollect water in a sieve.

If you want to help new teachers improve, invest in great coaches,-invest-in-great-coaches
People have life coaches, nutrition coaches, and executive coaches. So, it's no surprise to see schools turning to coaches as well.

Effectively evaluating special education teachers may require a different approach
A new working paper may be cause for genuine concern regarding the most widely-used evaluation instrument in the country, the Danielson Group's Framework for Teaching.

A new path to the classroom: What could Registered Apprenticeship mean for teaching?
As the challenge of recruiting a new generation of teachers gains increasing urgency, what's old is being made new again.

It’s time to get serious about professional development and support for substitute teachers
It's time to show our substitute teachers that we value them—and the time they spend with our students.

Seven ways to make improving teacher evaluation worth the work
A look at how using evidence-based practices can help ensure that teacher evaluation systems produce positive outcomes.

What do teachers think of their evaluation feedback?
A recent paper puts the spotlight back on the quality of feedback teachers receive in their evaluations.

Leveraging American Rescue Plan Funds to Advance Literacy: A Step-by-Step Guide for States and Early Reading Advocates
With the significant infusion of dollars now available to both states and school districts, we have a unique opportunity to finally reduce high rates of illiteracy, particularly in populations which...

Falling short of expectations
New data suggests expectations placed on novice teachers during their first real professional development experience are far too low.

Changing habits: easier than changing hearts and minds?
The path to becoming anti-racist is long, challenging, and for teachers, essential. Tackling one's mindset and implicit biases takes hard work, and even trainings intended to help people do this...

Testing, testing… Are teachers less likely to quit when states stop testing?,-testing-Are-teachers-less-likely-to-quit-when-states-stop-testing
Does removing the stress of a standardized test keep teachers in the classroom?

Supporting teachers through mentoring and collaboration
As school districts work out next year's instructional format and take stock of their teacher workforce, districts in a position to hire are also readying themselves for a potentially unprepared...

The Four Pillars to Reading Success
Learning how to read is not something that comes naturally. Many children need instruction from their teachers that follows the research on the most effective and efficient methods of teaching...

Teacher evaluations and support during COVID-19 closures
In this unprecedented time of school closures, districts must walk a fine line regarding teacher evaluations.

Video-based observations and teacher evaluations
Just as football and basketball teams spend hours reviewing game tape, teachers have much to gain from self-observation.

Evaluators require expertise
If there's one thing we know about teacher evaluations, it's that they're only as effective as the people doing the evaluating.

State of the States 2019: Teacher and Principal Evaluation Policy
Since the 2015 passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), a large number of states have backed away from recently enacted policies that were designed to breathe new life...

Words matter: the language of evaluation ratings
"What's in a name?" Juliet famously asks as she pleads her case to Romeo...

Feedback is fundamental
Something doesn't add up.

Measuring up: New study identifies districts and states that are seeing results with teacher evaluation systems
Teacher evaluation systems, when implemented well, are coinciding with real and measurable benefits for students and teachers alike.

Making a Difference
The past decade has been marked by rapid changes in teacher evaluations. While many districts and states announced their intention to install better systems, they faced political and structural challenges....

Evaluation Essentials: How do districts measure up?
Districts' policies should enable teachers and administrators to fully capitalize on the benefits provided by strong evaluation practices.

Does Opportunity Culture bring students more opportunities to learn?
About 20 school districts have adopted new staffing models known collectively as Opportunity Culture, each designed to maximize the impact of great teachers. Makes sense, but does it work? Thanks...

A bright spot for PD—new teacher induction that works
Districts spend on average $18,000 per teacher every year on professional development, with little to show for it. That's why we were excited to see the new research findings looking...

How principals can change the culture around teacher evaluations
Imagine a test where the only grades a student could earn were A or A-. Envision an update to Yelp that allows customers to rate restaurants using only 4 or...

Teaching teachers in Mississippi
Mississippi had to do something. Between 1992 and 2013, no more than 55 percent of its 4th grade children could look at a piece of writing and locate relevant...

Experience is the Best Teacher
We've long been arguing that districts could tap retired teachers to ease the transition of new teachers into the classroom. We recently found a great example of a district doing...

Great District Profile: District of Columbia Public Schools
Choosing the right district for you is not easy if you don't have the right information.

Great Districts for Great Teachers
For teachers, finding satisfaction in their classroom, school, and district is key to longevity and success.

Eight Districts Win First-Ever Great Districts for Great Teachers Initiative; School Districts Proved Greatness Through 18-Month Evaluation;-School-Districts-Proved-Greatness-Through-18--Month-Evaluation
Eight school districts just became the nation's first-ever Great Districts for Great Teachers. This new honor, developed by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), recognizes districts for their exceptional...

The best teacher quality research of 2016!!
Teacher quality researchers made plenty of provocative headlines in 2016. They identified trends to monitor, new tips for the trade, and a few wins worth celebrating. Here are the papers...

More PD that makes a difference!!-
If you look closely, they're actually not hardto find: inexpensive professional development opportunities for teachers thatactually do make a real difference in student learning. Earlier this year, wecovered an experiment...

A suspension solution?
It's a popular movie theme--the story of that one teacher who really connects withstudents, setting them on the right path to a productive future.

The power of partnerships
In the face of all evidence on the (apparently) utter uselessness of most professional development, might there be something that works? A new NBER working paper claiming just that perked...

A glimmer of hope on the bleak PD front
The headline of a new study from Matthew A. Kraft (Brown University) and David Blazar (Harvard Graduate School of Education) caught our eye: Intensive, personalized coaching programs can improve teacher...

Better evaluations, better teachers?,-better-teachers
As any district can attest, overhauling teacher evaluations represents a huge lift for all involved. The temptation to look for shortcuts is equally huge.

#5—Best paper to slip to your district’s finance office:
The Mirage by TNTP

The $8 billion question
At this point, we figure that everyone else has already written about the more interesting and insightful takeaways about TNTP's latest report, entitled The Mirage (see here and here). (That's...

Latest updates in Minneapolis, Granite and Bridgeport,-Granite-and-Bridgeport
This month’s installment of Catching up on Contracts covers the new contracts in three districts in NCTQ’s Teacher Contract Database: Minneapolis Public Schools, Granite School District and ...

As students settle into their first months ofthe new school year, it's a good time to check in on the teacher policylandscape governing the profession across the country. From...

State of the States 2013 Connect the Dots: Using Evaluations of Teacher Effectiveness to Inform Policy and Practice
This report provides a detailed and up-to-date lay of the land on teacher evaluation policies across the 50 states and DCPS. It also offers a more in-depth look at the...

State of the States 2012: Teacher Effectiveness Policies - Area 3: Identifying Effective Teachers; NCTQ State Teacher Policy Yearbook Brief;-NCTQ-State-Teacher-Policy-Yearbook-Brief
Interim editions of the Yearbook provide shorter briefs for each state that include a state-specific action plan, updating states' progress on Yearbook goals and giving advice on how to prioritize...

State of the States 2012: Making Effectiveness Matter - Area 5: Exiting Ineffective Teachers; NCTQ State Teacher Policy Yearbook Brief;-NCTQ-State-Teacher-Policy-Yearbook-Brief
Interim editions of the Yearbook provide shorter briefs for each state that include a state-specific action plan, updating states' progress on Yearbook goals and giving advice on how to prioritize...

State of the States 2012: Cultivating an Effective Teacher Workforce - Area 4: Retaining Effective Teachers; NCTQ State Teacher Policy Yearbook Brief;-NCTQ-State-Teacher-Policy-Yearbook-Brief
Interim editions of the Yearbook provide shorter briefs for each state that include a state-specific action plan, updating states' progress on Yearbook goals and giving advice on how to prioritize...

Human Capital in Boston Public Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop and Retain Effective Teachers,-Develop-and-Retain-Effective-Teachers
A report on Boston Public School policies that have an impact on teacher quality, concluding that while the district has many smart, strategic policies already in place, improving teacher rules...

Human Capital in Seattle Public Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop and Retain Effective Teachers,-Develop-and-Retain-Effective-Teachers
Staffing each classroom with an effective teacher is the most important function of a school district. Doing so requires strategic personnel policies and smart practices. This analysis reviews the Seattle...

Human Capital in Hartford Public Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop, and Retain Effective Teachers,-Develop,-and-Retain-Effective-Teachers
This report, which examines the alignment of Hartford's teacher policies with its goals for improving teacher quality, represents the first in a number of similar analyses which NCTQ is undertaking...

What Indiana's Education Schools Aren't Teaching About Reading
NCTQ Releases Study of Reading Preparation in Indiana Education Schools: As a follow up to NCTQ's national study on how well elementary teachers are prepared to teach reading, NCTQ looks...

2008 State Teacher Policy Yearbook: What States Can Do To Retain Effective New Teachers - National Summary
The 2008 edition of the State Teacher Policy Yearbook provides an in-depth analysis of a critical piece of the teacher quality puzzle: the retention of effective new teachers.

What Education Schools Aren't Teaching About Reading--and What Elementary Teachers Aren't Learning
In this groundbreaking report, NCTQ studied a large representative sampling of ed schools to find out what future elementary teachers are and are not learning about reading instruction. The report,...

Necessary and Insufficient: Resisting a Full Measure of Teacher Quality
For all the conflict generated by various K-12 education reform efforts, there is one principle everyone agrees on: teachers need to know the subject matter they teach. This principle makes...

Teacher Certification Reconsidered: Stumbling for Quality
The importance of good teaching to the academic success of students is intuitively obvious to any parent and is well substantiated by a body of sound research. Correspondingly, ensuring that...