Your District Can Be Successful, Too!

What's a school supposed to do when certain students insist on taking the SATs, threatening to bring down the school...

Classroom Discipline Around the World

"They did not listen. They should have listened." --An official from Morocco's Ministry of Education, commenting on the events that led...

Department of Ed Recognizes TEAC

In an important move, the U.S. Department of Education has recognized the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) as an accrediting...

Massachusetts Raises Requirements, Irking Some Teachers

The Massachusetts Department of Education is being deluged by calls from teachers who are confused, upset, and angry about new...

Coming Up With The (Bonus) Money

Two weeks ago we reported that 94% of teachers in North Carolina had qualified for bonus pay under the state's...

Mixed Week for Merit Pay

Philadelphia Citing concerns about its cost, effectiveness, and mind-boggling complexity, Philadelphia has scuttled its pilot performance pay program. The test program,...

American Board Lands Sizable Grant

In a strong signal of the federal government's eagerness to have states enlarge their approved routes to certification, the Department...

Notes from Florida's Education Civil War

Last November, Florida voters endorsed an initiative to limit class sizes in the Sunshine State despite being warned by prominent...

Do We Detect A Shift?

Stanford University, along with six other universities, has received a five-year, $5 million grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New...

Study Suggests That Preschoolers Benefit From College-Educated Teachers

The Trust for Early Education, a division of the Education Trust, released a report this week calling for early childhood...

Measuring the Impact of Good Principals on Student Achievement

A new working paper out from Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL) seeks to find out which characteristics of...

Dontcha Just Hate It When...

&you've been given $23.8 million by the federal government, but you forget to spend it? That's the situation that the Washington,...

No More Hot Potatoes in Louisiana

Legislators in Louisiana want to put the fear back in the threat of being sent to the principal's office. A...

Rhode Island Finally Adopts Alt Cert

Rhode Island has become the latest state and one of the last to come up with an alternative certification route...

A Teacher Supply Proposal From Darling-Hammond and Sykes

Linda Darling-Hammond and Gary Sykes have issued a call for a "national teacher supply policy." Without systematic intervention from Washington,...