TFA storms the world

In its mission to save the world, err, close the achievement gap, Teach For America is breaking free of...

Looking for love in all the wrong places

by Kate Walsh I hope that those partaking in the witch hunt targeting the federal Reading First program felt a...

Fixing alternative certification

by Sandi Jacobs I owe my career to alternative certification. I began teaching in New York City in 1990 as...

Teacher absenteeism takes its toll

Two new studies and results from a pilot program surfaced this month that try and get to the causes and...

Teachers really, really hate performance pay

Economists don't usually trouble themselves with studying survey results, rising above such mushy things as attitudes and touchy-feely data. Count...

ASPIRE! MAP! STAR! REAL! How about a little less time on cute acronyms, more on program design!

Houston seeks to rights its wrong. In an effort to right the mistakes from last year's performance pay debacle...

And still more on performance pay

'Slender' is how researchers Michael Podgursky and Matthew Springer characterize the existing research on performance pay in a paper...

A light bulb goes on in Baltimore

The success of a pilot professional development program in Baltimore has taught school administrators what any teacher on the...

Another baby step toward mayoral control

TQB reported last month how, having failed in his legal battle to take over the LA Unified School District, Mayor...

New Studies Offer Different Perspective on Teacher Retention

To Teach or Not to Teach? is the questionably catchy title of a new analysis from the National Center on...

NEW SUIT Challenges Ed on HQT

A coalition of community groups and individual students and parents in California have filed suit in federal district court against...

A System Without Teeth has no Bite

The New Teacher Project's latest report, Hiring, Assignment and Transfer in Chicago Public Schools, takes a no-holds-barred look at the...

Kindergarten Cop in Nevada

True to its Wild West roots, the Nevada State Board of Education is actually considering deputizing teachers in order to...

Footing the Bill for Mayoral Control

It's no secret that Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has wanted control of the LA Unified School District, and if...

Show them the Money? Pay Issues Casting Shadow on Urban Superintendents

As the school year gets underway, some superintendents are settling in under grey clouds--albeit with a platinum lining. For their...