W. VA. Lawmakers Seek Fairness through 'Locality Pay'

The idea of paying teachers the same across a state may seem fair at first, until confronted by the real...

How Does Your Teacher Behave

In most places, personnel policies are private and confidential. And with most jobs, any inappropriate behavior, whether it's sexual harassment...

From Teacher Knowledge to Testing Standards in NJ: A Missing Link?

Qualified math teacher candidates are hard to come by in any state and New Jersey is no exception. According to...

A Case of Unusual Bedfellows in Los Angeles: A Teachers Union for Charter Schools

Steve Barr is shaking things up in Los Angeles luring both students and teachers from troubled high schools. Barr is...

Is Performance Pay its own Worse Enemy?

Editorial by Kate Walsh The most serious obstacle standing in the way of genuine reform of teacher compensation is probably not...

Merit Pay Rocks Denver--but not NEA Convention

Finally some actual data is coming out on the impact of performance pay. According to a recent study by...

Educator Quality Takes Another Slam: Abysmal GRE Scores Across the Board

A letter to the editor in today's Wall Street Journal brings more attention to the low academic performance of the...

Does AFT Support Differential Pay? Hard to Say...

Depending on your point of view, the glass represented by the American Federation of Teachers' new report on recruitment and...

Supreme Battles over Union Dues

Last month, the Supreme Court weighed in on union politicking, upholding a Washington State law requiring teacher unions to first...

New Orleans Wants You--To Teach

The Recovery School District (RSD) in New Orleans recently launched a national media campaign to recruit up to 500 teachers...

The Wooing of Teach For America

While TFA never had much of a problem persuading college students to consider a two-year stint in public service, it's...

Transition to Teaching: Dishing the Dough without the Data

With much pride, the U.S. Department of Education has announced another year of funding for its...

Bargaining Budgets

A recent article in the San Jose Mercury News sheds some light on a growing problem in districts across...

Going Green or Saving Green?

Teachers who bring in their own desk clocks--usually because the one on the wall hasn't been working in 20 years--or...

Big City School Leaders: Several Newcomers on Deck

Several major cities are giving new school chiefs a chance at bat with the hopes of hitting a home run:...