Lawsuit forces LA to play fairer

When all else fails, sue. That's the lesson from Los Angeles, where the ACLU filed a lawsuit to end the...

Edujobs: Our skepticism continues

We didn't much see the point in the $10 billion Edujobs program when it was passed and still aren't seeing...

How did Hester Prynne's burning at the stake make you feel?

The reading ability of American high school graduates has declined over the last twenty years, as shown by NAEP scores...

A plug for pension papers

A number of researchers and economists are raising the red flag on teachers pensions, which as everyone knows are on...

New from NCTQ: The All-Purpose Science Teacher

That the U.S. has a shortage of math and science teachers is well known. But the problem is deeper...

Debunking the small-class myth

It's amazing, the traction a 25-year-old study can have. In 1985, the Student/Teacher Achievement Ratio (STAR) project, conducted in Tennessee,...

Updates about certification in Connecticut and accents in Arizona

This month, there was a bit of follow-up news regarding a couple of previous TQB stories. The first story, originally reported...

States jump on teacher performance assessment bandwagon

If there were only a crystal ball that could tell if a new recruit was going to become an effective...

Not putting your money where your mouth is

Low math and science scores and a lack of qualified STEM teachers have left schools scrambling to hire math and...

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater

This is one of those times when you wish the U.S. Congress had reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act...

Ed school attitudes about the teaching profession

It's been widely observed that what teacher candidates learn in education schools bears little connection to what actual teachers need...

McKinsey Report: Shrinking the tent

They've said it once and they're saying it again: it's time that we all stop tiptoeing around the need to...

Carrots without sticks in Vanderbilt performance pay study

Good teacher pay strategies are never written in a vacuum: they're part of a well-thought out system of incentives and...

Edujobs: What really happened?

With many schools across the country now back in session, our skepticism about the layoff figures used to justify the...

Guest Editorial

Irony in the Battle over Teacher Effectiveness by Dan Goldhaber and Jane Hannaway The August 16 Los Angeles Times article on...