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Updates about certification in Connecticut and accents in Arizona

September 30, 2010

This month, there was a bit of follow-up news regarding a couple of previous TQB stories.

The first story, originally reported in February, analyzed how poorly Connecticut teacher candidates performed on a new state licensing exam on how to teach reading. At the time, one out of every three test takers failed the exam. Results from the exam administered a few months later, in July, showed little improvement. Roughly 30 percent of test-takers failed the exam this time around.

Several schools, including Southern Connecticut State University and Eastern Connecticut State University, have made nice gains in performance, but most programs continue to fall short.

In May, TQB reported on a controversial move by the Arizona Department of Education. It was asking school districts to reassign or remove teachers who speak English with foreign accents. Not surprisingly, this move got the attention of not only the U.S. Department of Education but also the U.S. Department of Justice, which may need to change its name to the U.S. Department of Justice in Arizona if the state doesn’t start reining it in.

At issue is whether the policy is discriminatory, specifically towards Latino teachers. It’s not entirely clear what might happen if the Arizona Department of Ed is found to have discriminated against certain teachers, but NCTQ will keep following this story.