
September 2017: Substitute Teachers

As students around the country return to class, far too many will find a substitute teacher at the helm. Here...


Should Teacher Prep Steer Students to Fields with the Most Jobs?

Should schools of education steer their students to fields where they have the highest chances of being hired? Or should...


Silent Progress on Education

If you're anything like me, you can't help but grow really discouraged at what seems like a lack of progress...


Florida Districts Fall Short In Implementing Performance Pay

In 2011, Florida's legislature passed an ambitious performance pay policy that requires districts to pay their most effective teachers the...


The Power of Productive Classroom Experience

Whether you're running a marathon, learning something new, or trying to improve student achievement, there's no advantage quite like a...


Changing Reading Instruction by the Book

Among the biggest surprises NCTQ encountered in researching our December 2016 Landscape in Teacher Preparation – Undergraduate Elementary were the...


August 2017: Involuntary transfers and reassignment

Every year, shifts in school enrollment, programs, or other factors require schools to transfer some teachers out of their current position at...

State ESSA plans on educator equity a real mixed bag

There has been substantial media attention recently regarding states' Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plans, much of which has focused...

Experience is the Best Teacher

We've long been arguing that districts could tap retired teachers to ease the transition of new teachers into the classroom....


June 2017: Layoffs

In light of this change in the layoff landscape, this month we examine how districts around the country handle teacher...


States Can Insist Prep Programs Take Steps to Make Student Teaching More Effective

When done right, student teaching can be a tremendous learning experience as teacher candidates observe an outstanding teacher and then...


Unpacking Secondary Certification: Where the Rubber Misses the Road

This is the final installment in a series exploring secondary certifications, state licensing tests, and the subject matter preparation that...

Principles for principals: How districts can support data-rich hiring

Data, data everywhere but not a drop to drink.That's what many principals have concluded after gaining access to more data...

New online course helps teachers learn and practice the latest reading research

It's no secret that teacher prep programs often fail to teach scientifically based approaches to reading instruction. Our December 2016...


Wanted: Teachers! No reading or writing required

Over the last few months, a whole bunch of states -- including Arizona, Minnesota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, New York,...