
Unpacking Secondary Certification: How States Fail Licensing Tests

As has been previously detailed, secondary certification is a hot mess, and looking at state-mandated licensing tests adds yet another...

May 2017: Differentiated Pay

This month, District Trendline asks the question "Just how common is differentiated pay for teachers?" To answer, we look at...


Preparing New Teachers for the “What” and “How” to Teach

A good secondary teacher prep program has two basic functions: first, to ensure that teacher candidates graduate knowing the content...


Filling the desks: Teachers make a difference

For all our efforts to understand the science behind learning and effective instruction, it can be easy to forget the...

The English teacher ripple effect

Even though I'm well launched into my professional career, I still keep in touch with my old high school English...

If knowing is half the battle, Tennessee is winning this engagement

We've long been excited about the wealth of information – and its potential uses – coming from Tennessee's teacher prep...


Undergraduate programs struggle to prepare high school teachers

The National Council on Teacher Quality's (NCTQ) evaluation of 717 undergraduate programs preparing high school teachers found that many programs...

NCTQ names 16 programs to “Top Tier"

With today's release of NCTQ's newest teacher prep ratings, we single out 16 programs as the "Top Tier." These programs...

Is it easier to prepare high school teachers than elementary teachers?

NCTQ's new report on teacher prep programs provides an updated perspective on how well some 700 colleges and universities are...

April 2017: Health insurance premiums

One key component of teacher compensation is health insurance. It gets less attention than salaries and pensions, but as the...


Unpacking Secondary Certification: State Certification Discontinuity

There are nearly as many arrangements of science and social studies certifications as there are states, which is somewhat astonishing...


Because every day in the classroom counts

While I have many memories from my first year of teaching, one of the most visceral comes from my early...


This balloon is ready to pop

If you're even a casual observer of the trends in higher education, odds are you're familiar with the persistent challenge...


Unpacking Secondary Certification: The Two Types of Certification

There is a seemingly simple path to high school certification: complete a major in the subject you want to teach...


The challenge of learning from others' mistakes

April 13, 2017 Dear State Legislator: First let's get the obvious points out of the way. I get...