March 2017: Evaluation systems

In recent years, teacher evaluation policy has been front and center in the quest to improve teacher quality. This month,...


Observing the Observers

Student teaching is the capstone of every prospective teacher's preparation.


Positive Reinforcement for Great Districts for Great Teachers

Over the course of NCTQ's first decade, I'll admit to having struggled a bit to figure out how to influence...

For those who want to teach: UTeach

Looking for an effective math teacher? What about a skilled science instructor? Need both? UTeach programs have you covered.That's the...

A Missed Opportunity for Performance Pay Research

How can we evaluate the effectiveness of pay-for-performance compensation systems if those systems are implemented only half-heartedly? That continues to...


The Student Teaching Chrysalis

Just as a caterpillar spins its cocoon to emerge as a gorgeous butterfly, future teachers have their own chrysalis stage...


Readiness Starts with Reading

Reading drives nearly everything in schools -- from learning about other cultures by reading textbooks, to finding out about the...

NCTQ Paper Finds Most Teachers Still Rated Effective Despite State Reforms

I saw this headline in my clips and did a double take, wondering if The Onion had begun mocking education...

Defying Expectations: The Right Teacher Can Help Low-Income Students Go Above and Beyond

What makes the difference in how well low-income students perform on Advanced Placement (AP) exams? A recent study published in...

Looking For Those Multiple Measures

Running in Place highlights the paradox of the ineffective "effective" teacher—one who fails to impact student achievement but remains eligible...


The Science of Teaching Reading

Neuroscientists, psychologists, and reading experts all agree on the methods that will result in the most children becoming successful readers.

January 2017: New year, new Trendline!

District Trendline, previously known as Teacher Trendline, provides actionable research to improve district personnel policies that will strengthen the teacher...


Honor Roll: Selective Programs that Achieve High Diversity

Studies have shown teachers who have strong academic backgrounds tend to be more successful in the classroom.


Ed Reformer: Does self interest make us Debbie downers?

For over 50 years, Americans have worried about our students' mediocre performance on international tests. A single-minded focus on rankings--not...

Myth buster on inequitable assignment of teachers?

Do low-income students have the same access to effective teachers as their more affluent peers? A new study from Eric...