A workaround for counterproductive pension systems

No school district wants to lose their most effective teachers. But pension systems, which are under the purview of state...


Why the Quality of Teacher Prep Programs Matters

Some people ask if the quality of teacher preparation matters at all.

December 2016: Recap of 2016 Trendlines

District Trendline, previously known as Teacher Trendline, provides actionable research to improve district personnel policies that will strengthen the teacher...

The best teacher quality research of 2016!

Teacher quality researchers made plenty of provocative headlines in 2016. They identified trends to monitor, new tips for the trade,...


NCTQ and Our Qualifications

The National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and policy organization dedicated to encouraging fundamental changes...


Changing the Landscape

We've made some changes to the Review- here's the what and the why.

NCTQ’s Teacher Prep Review Paints a Landscape of Undergraduate Elementary Teacher Preparation

Today, NCTQ is excited to share the latest results in our ongoing analysis of teacher prep programs, this time focusing...

Obeying the Laws of Supply and Demand Averts Teacher Shortages

Every consumer knows how the law of supply and demand affects prices. When demand is higher than supply, the price...


Feel the Churn

If there's one thing that research has shown us time and again, it's that being a brand new teacher is...

October 2016: Class size

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in the 2011-2012 school year, average class size across all public schools in the...


How not to respond to criticism

It's not surprising that teacher educators feel defensive these days. They frequently face accusations for their allegedly inferior quality programs. Non-traditional training...


BYOE: Build Your Own Evaluation

Passing a good law and implementing it with fidelity are two very different tasks. Earlier this summer, Indiana University researchers took...

We never thought it would happen but US ED releases its teacher prep regs

At long last the US Department of Education released its teacher prep regulations this week, prompting me to check my calendar. I had...


More PD that makes a difference!

If you look closely, they're actually not hard to find: inexpensive professional development opportunities for teachers that actually do make a real...

Teacher turnover hurts - but not in the way you think

For a long time, we've heard about the damage done by teacher turnover. Often, the thinking is that schools struggle to replace...