September 2016: Teacher leave

This month, we take a look at how much leave time teachers receive each year and what policies school districts...

The Ghost of Teacher Shortages Past...

Here's something I've been struggling to understand of late. What makes the prospect of a teacher shortage such an immediately...


But, We Still Need Licensure Tests

Licensure tests: depending on who you ask, they're either an important check on a prospective teacher's knowledge before entering the profession or...

Observing Success

As we discussed earlier this month, holding teacher prep programs accountable for the performance of their graduates is no easy task. The...

Dyslexia and Teacher Prep Dysfunction

Is it too much to ask that professionals stay abreast of the research? The authors of a recently published study,...

Alt Cert: The Road Increasingly Taken?

It's been 30 years since states first began experimenting with alternative certification (AC) pathways for teachers, and while these routes have become firmly...


Teacher Prep Programs: Why Run, When Everyone Else is Walking?

If you want to judge the quality of a teacher prep program, one approach is obvious: examine whether the teachers who graduate...


August 2016: Student and teacher school year

This month, we analyze school calendars for the 2016-2017 school year to answer some key questions. Is school really starting...


A suspension solution?

It's a popular movie theme--the story of that one teacher who really connects with students, setting them on the right path...


Teacher diversity: Grounding our goals in reality

One feature of an ideal school environment, we believe, is that both students and their teachers reflect America in all of...

Beware of the ‘Pupil Factory’

For most students, the start of middle school represents some newfound independence. For the first time, they get to travel the...

Sam Stringfield

The entire Teacher Preparation Strategies team was saddened to learn of the death of Sam Stringfield, a member of the...

If you threaten, will they come?

If half the battle is just showing up, some teachers have already lost the war.That's what we learned in our...

A long fall to the bottom: Missing coursework in teacher prep

You can't teach what you don't know—and when it comes to math, some teachers just don't know enough. Why? Michigan State...

NCTQ welcomes its newest board member

We're thrilled to welcome NCTQ's newest addition to our Board of Directors, Paul Kihn. Paul brings with him the ideal...