Maryland Teacher Standards Get Slammed

According to some observers, Maryland might as well hire smart 6th graders to teach math in its middle schools. In...

Proposal To Ease Teaching Standards in Virginia

Virginia has the nation s highest cut-off score on the Praxis I basic skills test. Usually Virginia gets lauded for...

Reforming Teacher Hiring Practices in Michigan

Kudos also to Michigan state senator Jud Gilbert (R-Algonac) for proposing a bill that may offer a model to school...

Quality Counts 2004 Released, Teacher Quality Update

Last Wednesday, Education Week released their annual "Quality Counts" edition. It contains some useful, albeit depressing, statistics on teacher quality...

Schwarzenegger Secures Union Support for His Ed Budget

The Los Angeles Times reports that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has the support of the state's largest teacher's union for...

Pension Fund's Fortunes Head South

More news of troubled teacher pension funds. Texas's teacher pension shortfall grew by more than 50% last year. While the...

Producing Teachers Who Know Their Subject

Good for Leon Botstein. Decrying the "unfortunate stranglehold" that education schools have on teacher training, the iconoclastic president of Bard...

Meeting the Highly Qualified Paraprofessional Challenge

There are 900,000 teachers' aides, or paraprofessionals, across the U.S. By 2006, Just like teachers, the No Child Left Behind...

Playing Pass-the-Buck with Pennsylvania Pensions

We're continuing to track a pattern of problems with teachers' retirement funds across the nation. In Pennsylvania this week, Governor...

Cash on the Line for AP Tests

Since 1995, the Dallas school district has taken a mercenary approach to get more teachers to teach and more students...

NBPTS Continues to Grow

The National Board of Professional Teaching Standards reports that 8,196 teachers have received their National Board certification this year, another...

Michigan Introduces New Standards; Hopes to Improve Teaching, Achievement

Officials in Michigan are ready to unveil new grade-level teaching standards for reading, writing, and math and according to initial...

In Britain, National Teacher Strike Averted

If you think that American teachers are averse to standardized tests, try Britain. The nation's largest teachers union tried to...

ETS Report Dissects the Achievement Gap

The racial gap in student achievement isn't one of the biggest issues in education; it's one of the biggest issues...

Class, Please Pass Forward Your Homework and My Salary

Try to imagine this happening in the good ole USA: the government fails to release funds to pay teachers' salaries,...