Endurance Bonuses in Seattle

Seattle finds itself in the final stages of adopting new teacher contracts, with the possibility of a plan that follows...

Union Puts the Kibosh on Delaware Testing the Waters

Meanwhile in Delaware there are multiple efforts are beginning to link teacher performance with student achievement data. In late...

The Slow March

This week the Department of Education released The Secretary?s Third Annual Report on Teacher Quality, which was a big-picture description...

You've Come a Long Way, Alabama

Too late for the Secretary's Report but laudable nevertheless, it appears that Alabama is stepping up its teacher licensing standards...

Louisiana Gets Tough on Its Schools of Ed

The Louisiana Board of Regents is currently considering a plan that would use student achievement data to determine which schools...

US News Peels Away at Schools of Ed

That great arbiter of school rankings, U.S. News and World Report has just come out with a useful compendium of...

Parochial Unions

School unionization is edging from the public to private realm in the state of Michigan. A recent court ruling...


This school year will see teachers across Monroe, Louisiana placing their palms facedown. The Monroe school system recently spent...

Reading Between the Lines: Special Ed's path to HQT

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has released a nearly year-long investigation and analysis of the Department of Education’s standards...

Taking On Steiner

Though there's been lots of bashing done by mouth, Teachers Record has just published the first written critique of a...

Removing All the Wrong Barriers to Teaching

Following North Carolina?s recent move to dump licensing tests (TQB, Vol. 5, No. 2) Illinois has decided to drop several...

Dictating Reform

Massachusetts has decided to do away with its mandatory dictation exam for prospective teachers. The dictation test, implemented under...

Orange County Plays “Musical Teachers???

Orange County, Florida, is one of a growing number of school districts to adopt an incentive pay program for good...

Piecemeal No More

A great report issued last month by the ever-sensible Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) points to the states' piecemeal and...

Imig Leaves AACTE

After 35 years on the job, the president of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), David Imig,...