Stepping Up Early Childhood Ed

In a related note, the AACTE came out with a good recommendation last week calling for an overhaul of the...

Coming to a Convention Hall Near You

The Department of Education has recently beefed up its Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative, introducing the traveling US ED road-show this summer, which...

Brief Hiatus for TQB

As with most of Washington, August brings vacation to the Teacher Quality Bulletin. There won't be a new issue...


Some states are calling foul over the new and improved teacher quality regulations from the US Department of Education (Vol....

States Graded on Progress with Teacher Quality Provisions

The Education Commission on the States (ECS) came out last week with a new report on how states are faring...

ETS Goofs

The Educational Testing Service (ETS) admitted last week that it had told more than 4,000 teachers that they had failed...

AFT Gathers in Washington

The AFT, the nation's second largest, and traditionally more thoughtful, teacher's union, gathered in Washington, D.C. last week for their...

Buying Your Way into the Classroom

The Washington Post has done a fascinating expose of union power gone wild in Mexico. According to the Post,...

AFT Unveils Annual Salary Survey Data

The latest AFT salary survey was released last week, instigating the annual smattering of headlines in local newspapers around the...

The Pay May Be Lousy, But You Are Loved

Teachers often feel put upon, unappreciated, underpaid and terminally frustrated. But what they may not hear enough is...

The Risks of the Job

One more report from Mike Antonucci of Education Intelligence, staked out on the floor of the NEA and AFT conventions: ...

NEA Takes Its Shot at the American Board

The American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) must be doing something right. On the heels of its recent...

On Ways We Want NCLB to Fail

One of the NCLB provisions gauged by ECS was the law's requirement that states do a better job of ensuring...

The NEA's In Town

The NEA held their annual conference in Washington this week. They discussed 74 new business items, offered a fundraising showing...

States Step Back from Lawsuit

After announcing plans last year for a state-supported lawsuit aimed at the funding provisions of NCLB, the NEA is having...