
Dueling endorsements

Some sensible solutions sometimes turn out to be counterproductive. A prime example may exist in Washington state, which recently instituted...


A bottom-up approach to school openings

Never much a defender of local control in education, I now think we have nothing to lose by shifting some...


What we’re reading: D.C. Voices: Teacher retention and recruitment during the pandemic

New analysis from Chelsea Coffin and Tanaz Meghjani at the D.C. Policy Center explores some of the teacher workforce data...


Supporting teachers through mentoring and collaboration

As school districts work out next year's instructional format and take stock of their teacher workforce, districts in a position...


A letter from Baltimore City Schools CEO Dr. Sonja Santelises

We must recommit ourselves, examine our own practices, and disrupt the insidious barriers that have plagued our education system and...


A letter from NCTQ Board Member Mike Miles: The Courage to Address Systemic Inequity

As school and systems leaders, we have a real opportunity now to change the education system to provide a better...


The emerging science on predicting if a teacher will be effective

Researchers have spent decades investigating the most valid predictors and measures of teacher quality, with one of the hopes being...


More evidence that teacher evaluation works

Well before COVID-19 hit, many states had backed away from only recently adopted teacher evaluation policies. With COVID-19 now dominating...


Teacher layoff criteria during a pandemic-driven recession

No district wants to lay off personnel. But if it ought to be done, NCTQ (along with other education researchers...


Update on districts' teacher policy responses to COVID-19

The 2019-2020 school year is coming to a close, but school district leaders will continue to face the challenges of...


Pension debt is crippling any meaningful increases to education funding

In light of the economic turmoil that COVID-19 is bringing about, pension shortfalls are likely to grow at an even more...


Benefits of learning from the best

Some of the essential skills can be learned from textbooks and lectures—but knowing how to put it all in motion...


AASPA Benefit Survey On COVID-19 From PK-12 HR

Many are wondering how school districts across the nation are responding to COVID-19. The American Association of School Personnel Administrators...


Challenging the comfortably entrenched with the Teacher Prep Review

Over a century ago, former school principal Abraham Flexner catalyzed the reform of medical education, producing an exhaustive report and...


Teacher evaluations and support during COVID-19 closures

In this unprecedented time of school closures, districts must walk a fine line regarding teacher evaluations.