
Student teaching and initial licensure in the times of coronavirus

States must now consider how these coronavirus-related closures are impacting student teaching and other licensure requirements.


How are school districts adapting teacher work policies for emergency closures?

When the COVID-19 crisis hit, we asked what, if anything, districts had spelled out in their existing policies relevant to...


A message from Kate Walsh

This is a grave time. As we try our best to weather this storm, we find ourselves asking a lot...


Tenure decisions and teacher effectiveness

Tenure serves as a key milestone in a teacher's early career. Tenure status can play a role in multiple aspects...


Beating the drum on student teaching

Student teaching may not be a magic bullet for combating the myriad problems that plague teacher preparation, but it sure...


If you believe it, can they achieve it?

Believing that one's students have potential—and treating them accordingly—helps them rise to their teacher's expectations.


A win for CA students, but not necessarily for science

The settlement agreement in CA still tiptoes around the most likely reason these kids aren't reading.


Better reading starts with better teacher preparation

Reading is the gateway to educational achievement and lifelong success, especially for students who face seemingly insurmountable social and economic...


Is it too early to pop the bubbly?

While the success we see in adoption of reading science among teacher prep programs really is cause for celebration, I...


Persuading great teachers to take on student teachers

Remember when we learned just how powerful a good cooperating teacher can be for a teacher-in-training?


Lessons from across the pond

Although Brexit and Megxit may be dominating headlines, politics and the royal family aren't the only issues worth reading up...


How evaluation ratings impact teacher pay

Over the last decade, pay reform and teacher evaluations were put forward hand in hand. As teacher evaluations became more...


Two easy steps to a better principal

Looking for a good principal? Start your search with good teachers.


Video-based observations and teacher evaluations

Just as football and basketball teams spend hours reviewing game tape, teachers have much to gain from self-observation.


Evaluators require expertise

If there's one thing we know about teacher evaluations, it's that they're only as effective as the people doing the...