
Getting at the root of the school to prison pipeline

Is the reason Americans tolerate unnecessarily high rates of kids who never learn how to read yet another manifestation of...


Ensuring strong and stable substitute teacher pools

What do substitute teacher pools look like across the largest school districts in the country and how can districts use...


Shocker! New evidence that teachers are more effective when they know their subject

Perhaps this headline seems self-evident, but the backlash against licensure tests suggests otherwise.


The very real damage to student learning from pink slips

Here's a legitimately scary topic never far from teachers' minds when the economy takes a downturn: the threat of being...


The missing link

While all student teaching experiences are not created equal, understanding and measuring how they are different turns out to be a challenge.


If they could do it, so can we

I look back to my sisters of a century or more ago, who fought a lot harder for a lot...


Teacher evaluation that’s meaningful

In this month's District Trendline, we examine some key characteristics of teacher evaluation systems in the nation's largest school districts,...


You don't get what you pay for: paying teachers more for master's degrees

This month, the District Trendline looks at the role of advanced degrees in how teachers are paid.


Can public education find its mosquito net?

In journalist Natalie Wexler's powerful new book, The Knowledge Gap, she sets out to make the case for the critical...


You get what you pay for

Our drum is beating for both better base pay and much more strategic use of compensation dollars by school districts...


Getting students to the room where it happens

If this measure can help identify and reward those teachers who are effectively encouraging kids to show up to class...


Three steps for creating and retaining a strong STEM teaching corps

Districts report the most difficulty not only filling STEM and special ed vacancies but keeping them filled with strong, effective...


With teacher evals, is consistency key?

A new study calls attention to consistency problems—even in an evaluation system that appears to align with best practices—concerning enough...


Case closed

If a picture is worth a thousand words, I'm thinking that these two images should have long ago put an...


A sizable opportunity: thinking strategically about class size

Class size is one tough issue. On the one hand, reducing class size is a perennial favorite among teachers and...