Serious merit pay

Nancy and Rich Kinder of Houston recently announced the new Kinder Excellence in Teaching Award. The award is designed to...

Tarheel testing: from bad to worse?

In the latest chapter of a continuing saga, on September 29 North Carolina Governor Mike Easley vetoed a bill that...

You're not teaching in my school district

The Ohio General Assembly is considering a bill that would require school districts to report to the state's department of...

Corporate teacher transition

This initiative gets an A+ from NCTQ. IBM recently announced that it will help veteran employees--and not just retirees...

Attitude problem

A recent survey of teachers in Michigan somehow persuaded an awful lot of them to admit some less-than-politically-correct views on...

The moral dilemma of reassigning great teachers: a bad move for schools under the gun?

Over the past few years, the Seattle school district has been developing a value-added model, not for the purposes of...

Disputing dispositions

In latest issue of the newsletter FWD:, billed by the Fordham Foundation as "Arresting Insights in Education," Stanford...

Talent rather than seniority

Changes made to the Philadelphia teachers' union contract last year have greatly reduced seniority as a factor in hiring teachers...

Troops turned teachers

Washington's National Center for Alternative Certification is out with another survey, this time profiling Troops to Teachers recruits. Troops to...

Highly miffed

Ever the spot-on reporter on the joys and perils of teaching, full-time history teacher and part-time columnist Patrick Welsh takes...

Role model shortage?

A new study from the UK reveals little correlation between students' achievement and the gender of their teachers, leading the...

Seduction strategies for the third-year teacher

Editorial by Kate Walsh The most important research finding I've seen lately comes from a group of heavyweight economists studying teacher...

Attrition blues

A recent survey by a private organization, the National Center for Education Information, reports that 40 percent of the current...

Ed school deja vu

A recent study from the National Center on Education Statistics provides fresh evidence of an old claim, that college graduates...

Secretary's 4th annual report on TQ: we're doing great!

Either it's the regime change from Paige to Spellings or the Department is just worn to a frazzle by ever-emboldened,...