Merit pay mistakes

The teachers and school board of Springfield, Massachusetts are debating already what's being touted as the first citywide merit pay...

Teacher health care costs skyrocketing

General Motors recently created quite a stir with their revelation that the price of every new car has to include...

California alt cert route deemed suspect

In yet another litigious development involving NCLB, the public interest group Californians for Justice is suing the state of California,...

Hunting high and low

A North Carolina-based firm, the Center for International Education Inc., has an interesting Visiting International Faculty Program, which helps school...

On Youthful Dreams, the Hour of Our Death and Teacher Pay

by Kate Walsh, NCTQ President Over on the NCTQ website, the votes keep coming in for who readers think won our...

Merit pay in Dixie

More merit pay stories, this time from the sunny Southeast: Arkansas: Look to Little Rock, Arkansas for a bold--and arguably crass--experiment...

Humble beginnings for merit pay in the Land of 10,000 Lakes

We hope Minnesota doesn't end up in Florida's shoes, but the odds don't look promising. Minnesota, Governor Tim Pawlenty...

Sleazy (And Fun!) Certification Scam in the Sunshine State

In an otherwise barren summer on the teacher policy front, Florida keeps providing us with something to write about. ...

Hoosier State: how not to do alt cert

In what appears to be a textbook example of bad teacher policy in the making, look to Indiana, where the...

Cream of the Yale crop

Yale University appears to be ripe source of new teachers. First, there's the Teach Kentucky program, which began four years...

Summer blockbusters: Big Studies from OECD and AERA

Two blockbuster studies on the teaching profession have been released since our last issue: first, a study from a panel...

Lyon into the lion's den

The government's top reading scientist and lightning rod in the Reading Wars, Dr. Reid Lyon, is leaving Uncle Sam's employ...

AACTE Takes Offensive on HEA Reauthorization

The nation's schools of education are gearing up for Congress's overdue reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. Last week, the...

Houston's attempt to revive merit pay

After firing nearly 40 percent of the teachers at three under-performing schools, Houston's superintendent Abelardo Saavedra is turning to the...

Democratic decision in Denver

After some stumbling along the way (see "Merit-Pay Melee in the Mile-High City"), Denver voters will finally get the opportunity...