Differential pay can work

The ever-useful National Bureau of Economic Research is out with an interesting first look at the impact of differential pay...

Competency at what price?

Education gumshoe Scott Reeder of the Small Newspaper Group has provided more evidence that the system needs fixing. In his...

Buckeye Bob's bill

Ohio Governor Bob Taft has signed an unusually innovative bill that will increase the state's teacher capacity in mathematics, science,...

TFA adds up

The numbers add up: two years into an effort to recruit more applicants who can teach high-shortage subject areas, nearly...

Clarification on Mathematica

In the last issue of TQB, we made a comment about Mathematica's 2004 study of Teach For America that some...

Reading wrap-up

Editorial by President Kate Walsh Following the release of our study What ed schools aren't teaching about reading and what elementary...

A lesson in reality: inequality in teacher quality

The Education Trust is out with a fascinating and significant report that may move us all a little closer to...

National Board scored

Under some considerable pressure, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards finally ended up releasing an unflattering study by Tennessee...

Burning down the HOUSSE

The AFT recently requested more time from the Department of Ed for paraprofessionals to become highly qualified. It's a perfectly...

How far does a dollar go?

Stop the presses! It seems that states don't all play by the same rules. In a study released last...

Castin' out salary lures and waitin' for the fish to bite

Several districts in the Tarheel State are showing some serious moxie by considering plans to pay teachers differently--really differently--depending on...

Title I troubles?

A few months ago, the Feds extended the deadline for states to have a highly qualified teacher in every classroom,...

Mayor and union vie for gold medal in the bold moves division

With the prospect of mayoral takeover looming over Los Angeles Unified School District, the local UTLA teachers union has opened...

Disposing of a disposition

NCATE, the powerful body headed by Art Wise that accredits about half of the country's teacher education programs, recently decided...

NCTQ to Release Major Study on Teacher Prep in Reading

Do you want to know why roughly 1 out of 4 American schoolchildren are likely to be barely literate adults--in...