Carson City snoozer

Amid a slew of other education proposals before the state legislature, Nevada Democrats appear to be jumping on the performance...

Oprah takes on education

Oprah recently hosted Bill and Melinda Gates, former NBA star (and ed reformer) Kevin Johnson and Mike Fineberg and Dave...

Goldhaber gold mine

Depending upon which new story you read, either economist Dan Goldhaber has just come out with a study that shows...

Good for Gordon

The latest blast directed at dysfunctional state licensure systems and other professional sundries comes from an unexpected source and appears...

Tightening the screws on loose reporting

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. That may be what Congress had...

TFA rakes it in

Teach For America is quickly becoming the darling of both ambitious young college grads and ambitious politicians. Applications to the...

California solutions for retaining teachers

A new Public Policy Institute study examines retention of new teachers in California schools, assessing the impact on retention of...

Absence makes the district wonder

Erick Huth, a Spanish high school teacher in the Nashville-Davidson School District, has been out of class a total of...

Fox in the henhouse

Los Angeles Mayor Anthony Villaraigosa has gotten a lot of attention recently for wanting to pull a Bloomberg-style takeover of...

Principals, teachers, and performance pay

The results of a fascinating experiment by two researchers, Brian Jacobs and Lars Lefgren, offers some food for thought on...

Calls for wrapping adjuncts in red tape

Last month, the Bush Administration proposed an Adjunct Teacher Corps to alleviate math and science teacher shortages. In theory, the...

Friedman take note: more evidence of American complacency

While we're on the topic of math and science, there's a new Public Agenda report worth a brief perusal. The...

National Board: great expectations, uncertain results

Eighteen years ago, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NPBTS) set out to improve teaching in America's schools by...

The Teaching Commission's swansong

Lou Gerstner's Teaching Commission has released a remarkably candid appraisal of progress made on the teacher quality front since they...

Promising alternative in the Golden State

Thanks to some behind-the-scenes work by the Pisces Foundation, the state of California will be gaining a promising new alternative...