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NCTQ to Release Major Study on Teacher Prep in Reading

May 4, 2006

Do you want to know why roughly 1 out of 4 American schoolchildren are likely to be barely literate adults–in spite of our ability to prevent this devastating outcome? On Monday, May 22 at the National Press Club in D.C., the National Council on Teacher Quality will release a groundbreaking study, What Teacher Preparation Programs Aren’t Teaching About Reading–and What Elementary Teachers Aren’t Learning. NCTQ studied a large representative sampling of ed schools to find out what future elementary teachers are–and are not–learning about reading instruction. The report, the most comprehensive ever of its kind, determined that education schools are ignoring the principles of good reading instruction that would teach prospective teachers on reading instruction. To learn more about the findings and recommendations in the report, please RSVP for this important event here.