Teacher layoffs loom large. How to lessen the blow

Teacher layoffs loom large. How to lessen the blow

New research examining ESSER's impact on school district hiring in Washington state confirms potential teacher layoffs as the funding wanes.

Start at the Beginning: Understanding the earliest part of the teacher pipeline can improve recruitment

Start at the Beginning: Understanding the earliest part of the teacher pipeline can improve recruitment

Understanding how and from where to recruit people into the teaching profession has long been a focus for researchers, education...

Can AI help optimize instruction and increase student learning?

Can AI help optimize instruction and increase student learning?

Mention AI in a school setting and most people think of ChatGPT and cheating scandals. But AI in school settings...

The evidence is mounting: Teacher specialization in elementary grades hurts student learning

The evidence is mounting: Teacher specialization in elementary grades hurts student learning

Assigning elementary teachers to teach only their best subjects, also known as "teacher specialization," holds a lot of appeal...

Does state oversight of teacher prep make a difference?

Does state oversight of teacher prep make a difference?

A new study focused on Massachusetts finds a direct link between its performance rating of providers with the future effectiveness...

Reducing bias in classroom instruction

Reducing bias in classroom instruction

New research on implicit racial bias in schools and its effect on student achievement.

The early bird gets the better teacher candidate pool

The early bird gets the better teacher candidate pool

Pervasive late hiring processes hinder districts' ability to hire high-quality teacher candidates, yet still many districts can't seem to rise out of...

With teacher evals, is consistency key?

With teacher evals, is consistency key?

A new study calls attention to consistency problems—even in an evaluation system that appears to align with best practices—concerning enough...

Hey, Michael Jackson … maybe it really DOES matter if you’re Black or White

Hey, Michael Jackson … maybe it really DOES matter if you’re Black or White

A new study confirms, yet again, the positive benefits of students of color having a teacher of the same race.