With so much change happening in states across the country when it comes to the policies governing teacher evaluation and tenure, it can be hard to keep up with it all. But fear not: we did the tracking so you don't have to.
Building on our "Trends and Early Lessons on Teacher Evaluation and Effectiveness Policies" from last fall, "State of the States 2012" is now available. Fifteen states have made changes to these policies this year alone, with Louisiana, Connecticut, Hawaii, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota being especially noteworthy. This brings the grand total to 37 states that have moved on teacher effectiveness since the juggernaut began in 2009.
What's the current state of the states?

*Some examples of objective evidence that might be used to evaluate student learning include: periodic diagnostic assessments, standardized test scores, benchmark assessments that show student growth, artifacts of student work connected to specific student learning standards, examples of typical assignments, or evidence of student mastery of the curriculum from quizzes, tests and exams.
- Half of states now require annual evaluations, up from just 15 in 2009.
- 32 states now require that student learning* factor into evaluations of teacher performance; 22 of these make student learning a significant or the most significant factor.
- 16 states consider at least some evidence of student learning when deciding who is awarded tenure; just three years ago, not a single state was doing so.

*Some examples of objective evidence that might be used to evaluate student learning include: periodic diagnostic assessments, standardized test scores, benchmark assessments that show student growth, artifacts of student work connected to specific student learning standards, examples of typical assignments, or evidence of student mastery of the curriculum from quizzes, tests and exams.