Alexander Russo recently posted a list of schools that graduated a thousand or more 'new' teachers in 2010 using USDE numbers. In preparing the sample for our upcoming National Review, we also compiled a list of new teacher production numbers using 2010 Title II numbers. Here's our list of the top ten producers of new teachers; it looks quite different:

The differences warrant some explanation: The numbers Russo cites do not indicate the number of new teachers prepared by each school, but the TOTAL number of students who completed an education-related degree. So these totals include professional master's degrees for already-certified teachers as well as non-teaching, education-related degrees like counseling and curriculum/instruction. The Title II data we used reflects numbers of graduates who took a certification test upon graduation. This nuance captures new teachers a school prepares through initial certification programs and excludes professional degree programs and people who get the degree but don't end up getting certified.
Both lists include significant representation of online programs. However, the Title II data also indicate there is a long tail of smaller programs. The median teacher preparation program is only one-twentieth the size of heavyweight National University. While large online programs may be becoming more prominent, it's important to keep in mind that most new teachers are still prepared on college campuses.
Katie Moyer