Classroom management brought to your screen!

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In our recent report on preparation in classroom management, we plug the use of videos as an instructional tool.  We describe Hunter College's impressive pre-service teacher preparation video library, with its 200 videoclips tagged as addressing especially powerful examples of classroom management techniques.

As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words -- but we had no picture to offer, much less a video. 

Now we do. Hunter, which requires all of its candidates to reflect on and improve their teaching through analysis of video recordings, has developed a brief exercise demonstrating how video analysis can be used to help student teachers learn classroom management skills. 

You need a username and password to see the exercise. Contact Jim Lengel at the Hunter College School of Education to obtain a password.  (The exercise access is also permanently posted on NCTQ's classroom management resources webpage.)

Have any video analyses you use to teach classroom management (or any other instructional skills)? We'd be happy to post other additional examples.  Contact Julie Greenberg at