Nashville Performance Pay Study Under Fire

In September, we reported on a performance pay study from Vanderbilt's National Center on Performance Incentives that found no connection...

Where are the best teachers? (Hint: Right where you think they are)

In case you need more proof that poor kids have unequal access to the best teachers, IES has released another...

A close encounter with IMPACT

We certainly have had to read more than our fair share of dry, academic policy pieces on the issue du...

Making evaluation really count

A new study finds that a high caliber teacher evaluation system can produce a rather unexpected and measurable benefit....

Value-added does not measure popularity

The previous two stories show just how much activity there is these days on the teacher evaluation front, and as...

A user's guide for VAM

From questions about evaluation, we turn to some answers. Understanding the ins and outs of using value-added measures (VAM) to...

Late hiring: Keeping tune with the dance of the lemons?

A new study establishes a link between Michigan's teacher turnover and when teachers were hired. It finds, not all...

Message to Washington State: Make sure there's not a hole in your pocketbook

The state of Washington has spent a good deal of money to incentivize teachers to earn National Board certification, and...

Special effects: The impact of graduate degrees in special education

Study after study on graduate degrees in education has shown that they do nothing to boost teacher effectiveness. But maybe...

Natural experiments in collective bargaining

In an intriguing piece in the current Yale Law Review, Benjamin Lindy uses the sunset of New Mexico's mandatory collective...

Quick hits

District diagnostics. Harvard's ed policy team went into Fulton County Schools near Atlanta, Georgia to "diagnose" the district's teacher...

NCTQ brings you a new acronym: PDQ!

Wish you could get teacher quality news, views and reviews from NCTQ more often? Now you can, with our new...

NCTQ is Now a Piece of the PIE

NCTQ is pleased to join the PIE Network—a.k.a. Policy Innovators in Education. We're especially honored to be the first new...

Is the sky really falling? DC schools and the UN-firing of 75 teachers

Media coverage of a recent ruling supposedly finding that DC schools must reinstate the 75 teachers it had dismissed in...

Teacher U passes the baton to Relay

New York City's Teacher U, just a few years ago considered the vanguard of teacher education, is now so yesterday....