
Students see more than you think

In striving to achieve valid teacher evaluations, schools often overlook those who spend the most time observing teachers in action:...


Doing something right in Dallas…

Results are in for the first full year of implementation of a new teacher evaluation system in Dallas, a system...


Thoughts on the Good Behavior Game and Classroom Management

I am one of NCTQ's biggest supporters, but I am very disappointed with the recent publication of The Good Behavior Game...

States’ Teacher Evaluation Policies Stay the Course

NCTQ has been tracking teacher policy for a decade. Over these years, no policy has seen such dramatic transformation as...


The Real Prize

During a late night drive through the streets of Newark, two rising political stars—Democrat Cory Booker, then mayor of Newark,...


4 teachers down; 3,499,996 to go

Four teachers' use of a self-monitoring checklist that successfully helped them use the Good Behavior Game is reported in a new study.*...

October 2015: Length of contracts

This month's Trendline considers the characteristics of teacher contracts and school board policy documents that govern the relationship between teachers...

Diversity in the Teaching Workforce: False Choices and Faulty Tactics

We can all agree that building a more diverse corps of teachers is important. While only a few studies have...


Economic Downturns May Come with an Unexpected Upside

When most companies are handing out more pink slips than paychecks, getting a job in teaching starts to look awfully attractive—including to...

NCTQ welcomes new Senior Vice President for Teacher Preparation Strategies

NCTQ is thrilled to announce the arrival of Barbara R. Davidson as our new Senior Vice President for Teacher Preparation Strategies. In...

Curriculum: The Great Divide among Ed Reformers

A few weeks ago Whitney Tilson, writing in his always entertaining blog, gave a nice nod to an op-ed by Dan Willingham in...


The $8 billion question

At this point, we figure that everyone else has already written about the more interesting and insightful takeaways about TNTP's...

September 2015: Lifetime Earnings

This month's Trendline updates NCTQ's analysis in Smart Money: What teachers make, how long it takes and what it buys...


Early childhood interventions—a slow fade and a strong comeback?

When trying to improve educational outcomes, it is hard not to feel the need for urgency. We want to figure...


Staying in my classroom while expanding my reach beyond it

Today's TQB features commentary from Melody Arabo, Michigan's 2015 Teacher of the Year. Imagine a hybrid role that allows teachers to take on...