Want to stand out? Raise the bar for who gets in

Shouldn't we expect that teachers will initially perform differently in the classroom based on the quality of their preparation? After all, there...

Teacher prep struggles gain global attention—and NCTQ’s at the table

A few weeks ago while my blizzard-frenzied hometown of Baltimore was busy emptying grocery shelves of bread and toilet paper, I took...


January 2016: Layoffs

The first Trendline of 2016 takes a fresh look at our most popular topic from 2015: layoffs.

What teacher candidates won't find in their textbooks

Over the holidays, I ran into an old colleague from back when I was doing a lot of work in Baltimore...


N-VAMs: Teaching an old analysis framework new tricks

We know teachers are more than just the sum of their students' test scores. That's why teacher evaluations don't just look...


Stopping lemmings with a single click

We've all been there. A teacher asks a class to answer a simple question with a show of hands. You're not...

#5—Best paper to slip to your district’s finance office:

The Mirage by TNTPJust make sure you leave before they read the headline findings. TNTP estimates that, on average, districts...

#4—Most Depressing Findings We Wish Weren’t True

Uneven Playing Field? Assessing the Teacher Quality Gap Between Advantaged and Disadvantaged Students by Goldhaber, Lavery, & Theobald Looking for a bright spot?...

#3—Most Likely to Put a Spring in Older Teachers’ Step

Productivity Returns to Experience in the Teacher Labor Market: Methodological Challenges and New Evidence on Long-Term Career Improvement by Papay & Kraft Back...

#2—Most Informative Research Every Superintendent Should Be Reading

A Foot in the Door: Exploring the Role of Student Teaching Assignments in Teachers' Initial Job Placements by Krieg, Theobald, & Goldhaber Every...

#1—Most Earth-Shattering Finding Still Likely to Get Ignored

Public School Teacher Attrition and Mobility in the First Five Years: Results From the First Through Fifth Waves of the 2007–08...


December 2015: Recap of 2015 Teacher Trendlines

Over the course of the year, the Trendline covered everything from hot topics like teacher evaluation and salary (including this interactive map) to the...

State Teacher Policy at a Tipping Point: NCTQ releases 9th Annual Yearbook

Upon the release of our first comprehensive Yearbook that included state grades in 2009, the headline read: "Taken as a whole,...

A silver lining in a cloudy study

As eternal optimists, we're choosing to look on the bright side of a disheartening new study. Researchers Jennifer Steele, Matthew Pepper, Matthew...


November 2015: The role of student achievement and teacher performance in evaluations, compensation and dismissal

This month, the Trendline takes a look at the role of student growth in evaluation ratings and how districts connect...