
The best research of 2017!

Without further ado, here are some of the research articles that stood out to you in 2017:


November 2017: Teacher Planning and Collaboration Time

While salary often dominates news headlines about teacher contract negotiations, time to plan is often just as precious to teachers....


State ESSA plan whack-a-mole

Ever play the carnival game of whack-a-mole? Every time you smash one mole back into its hole, two more pop...

Dallas pay for performance initiative producing positive results

NCTQ has long supported teacher pay for performance in school districts. Better pay can encourage the best teachers to stay...


A bright spot for PD—new teacher induction that works

Districts spend on average $18,000 per teacher every year on professional development, with little to show for it. That's why...


Best Books for New Teachers (Part II)

This second part of our book recommendations focuses on books that help teachers learn about how to teach students to...


Can teachers afford a place to call home?

Permit me to draw my inspiration from scripture, referencing the basic human needs of clothes on our backs, food to...


How principals can change the culture around teacher evaluations

Imagine a test where the only grades a student could earn were A or A-. Envision an update to Yelp...

Border walls between states and their impact on kids

Despite how some organizations tend to discuss teacher supply, the United States doesn't have just one teacher labor market, but...


October 2017: Does low pay shut teachers out of the housing market?

Teacher salaries are always in the news, but in the last few months we've noticed that housing affordability for teachers...


Best Books for New Teachers (Part I)

Every minute counts. So teachers need to know which books are best worth their limited time. It's with this in...


Disproving the prophets of teacher shortages

Too often in education, education groups' pursuit of validation for their policy priorities and the media's desire for a strong...


Teaching teachers in Mississippi

Mississippi had to do something. Between 1992 and 2013, no more than 55 percent of its 4th grade children...


Not-so-strategic staffing

Like all of us, principals respond to performance pressures by seeking to alleviate them as quickly and simply as possible....


Getting Active on Classroom Management

Halloween might be over a month away, but new teachers have their own terror to face as school begins: "Classroom"...