POP QUIZ: Why should teacher candidates be trained in assessment?

We've all taken plenty of tests in our time—so surely any of us could figure out how to assess our...


Can moving teachers between grades actually be harmful to students?

Did you know that moving teachers between grade levels, or "grade switching," can actually be harmful to student achievement? Read...


Do teachers practice what their prep programs preached?

Teachers often say that of all parts of their training, student teaching was the most valuable. This may leave their...

An impact beyond academics

We've all had our favorite teacher. A teacher who has made a difference in our lives. And as much as...


DC's Fair Weather Friends

Okay, I'm on a bit of a rant. I've now written here, here, and here about education advocates doing...


How will the upcoming Janus Supreme Court case impact teachers in each state?

In light of the upcoming Supreme Court oral arguments on the highly significant Janus vs. AFSCME case, we took a...

Teacher prep programs should check their work

As a student, it is so frustrating when a teacher never returns your work. How will you know how you...

When it comes to attracting out-of-state teachers, do states shoot themselves in the foot?

As many states struggle to staff all their classrooms, they might want to examine the degree to which their own...


So, what makes someone want to be a teacher?

No one is surprised when 9th and 10th grade students want to be rock stars, professional athletes, or YouTube celebrities....


Performance Pay: How Teacher Evaluations Impact Compensation

In light of new research regarding performance pay, this month's Trendline takes a look at how a teacher's evaluation rating...

Want to keep great teachers in high-needs schools? Train them there

Even today, high-needs schools struggle to attract and, more critically, retain effective and experienced teachers. We think teacher prep programs...


The best laid plans...

There is a cautionary lesson from a new working paper examining Houston's bold talent initiative. In many ways, it yielded...

A new look at performance pay

A new study suggests that offering performance bonuses to a smaller segment of high performing teachers than is typical in...


Has the education movement lost its way?

The fall conference season is well behind us, but a bad taste in my mouth lingers.

Location, location, location

Local context matters. It's true when it comes to teacher shortages, and it shouldn't come as a surprise that it would be...