In California, a Silver Lining

In the last few weeks, TQB has reported on budget crunches in many states but especially in California, where the...

Internet Traffic Jam Over Charter Schools

There was a lot of conversation this week over the Internet and in news articles about the latest study on...

California Cutbacks Ignore Teacher Quality

As we reported in TQB volume 4, number 11, the state of California is looking to close a $30 billion...

Perfomance Pay Off to a Slow Start in Florida

As policymakers and many teachers' groups push hard for merit pay, here-s some evidence from Florida that has us a...

Teacher Pay in PA

Pennsylvania s new $1.25 billion proposed education budget includes a plan but not the wherewithal to radically change teacher pay....

Will the Future Bring the End of School?

Although this sort of futuristic thinking seems to have disappeared with the burst of the dot-com bubble, a new report...

Mixed News on Bilingual Education

Bilingual education is already a hot topic for teachers but two recent news items add more fuel to the fire....

New Video Study on Math Instruction

More good data from the TIMMS project comparing US performance in math and science with students from other nations. The...

Kaplan Enters Teacher Ed

Soon there will be a new player in teacher preparation as Kaplan Inc. announced last week that it would open...

North Carolina Survey Finds Teacher Dissatisfaction

The largest-ever survey of North Carolina teachers interviewing 42,000 educators, roughly half the state s teacher corps painted a picture...

Montana and NCLB

They say that worthwhile achievements don t come easily, but some rural officials are claiming that it will be absolutely...

Short Takes

Ohio: In late February, Ohio joined the growing list of states which have published a report on how to improve...

Secretary Paige Supports American Board Certification

At a March 17th press conference in Washington, D.C., Secretary of Education Rod Paige strongly endorsed the American Board for...

Budget Woes Affect Teacher Quality

Cuts to education budgets may seem inevitable in most states this year, but states are making lots of different decisions...

Alaska Challenged By NCLB Teacher Requirements

Alaska: Here's a problem that Congress might not have thought about when drafting No Child Left Behind. With 100 of...