Teachers Back to Work in Marysville

After 50 days, the Marysville, Washington, teachers union voted 420-181 on October 20 to return to work. This change-of-heart occurred...

Klein Lashes Out at Union Contract

In a speech before the Citizens' Committee for the Children of New York, NYC Schools Chancellor Joel Klein sharply criticized...

Budget Cuts Lead to Program, Teacher Cuts

Tight education budgets are placing innovative teacher preparation programs in peril and leading to rounds of teacher dismissals. Developments this...

Feisty, Fighting Unions Take on Battles Around the Country

No one ever accused teachers unions of being unable to play political hardball. Around the country, unions are pretty bold...

The Trials and Tribulations of Merit Pay in Florida

Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Pascoe counties in Florida may be among the first to try a new merit pay system if...

New York City School Reforms: Miracle in the Making or Disaster Waiting to Happen?

Radical reforms have been the order of the day in New York City Schools ever since billionaire Michael Bloomberg won...

Programs to Help Teachers and Students

Teachers who are held accountable for lackluster student achievement often argue that they are being treated unfairly. After all, what...

Pension Battle Brewing in Alabama

The state of Alabama is stuck in a jam of its own making. Last year--well after it was clear that...

Maryland Teacher Preparation Program Put on Probation

Five years into the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA), it doesn't seem as if new reporting requirements of...

Smart Spending Pays Off

Maryland gets double kudos from TQB this week. Maryland's Washington County school district is going great guns these days, posting...

Teaching, Curriculum, and Math

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is running an in-depth, well-reported series on math education this week. Tuesday's article focused on the...

Detroit Teachers Face Backlash

Two weeks ago, in the September 26, 2003 TQB, we wrote about the Detroit Federation of Teachers' startling tactic of...

Grant to American Board Met With Predictable Reactions

This week's edition of Education Week reports on the various reactions to the $35 million grant from the U.S. Department...

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing had a tough choice to make--so it delayed the decision until December. The question...

New York City Must Hold Referendum, Judge Rules

A New York State Supreme Court justice ruled this week that the state must allow the inclusion of a ballot...