How-To Guide on Firing Teacher Lights a Fire

According to the New York Post this week, a pair of teachers in Queens stumbled upon a hush-hush booklet giving...

Alabama Continued

As previously reported in TQB Alabama has spent the past few months (not to mention decades) struggling with the need...

Useful Guidance on Alt Cert

In a show of support for alternative certification routes into teaching, the U.S. Department of Education has released ? Alternative...

Merit Pay from All Corners

Make sure to check out the newest edition of Education Next, which offers up a triple-threat of articles on teacher...

Wyoming’s on the Merit-Pay March

Lew Solmon’s Ed Next article should receive a warm welcome in Wyoming this week. On November 20th, a committee...

On The Incredibles and the Philosophy of Schooling

In reviewing the blockbuster hit The Incredibles, New York Times columnist John Tierney raises some provocative issues concerning modern day...

No Way Out?

By Kate Walsh, President It's starting to become apparent that the "highly qualified teacher" requirements in No Child Left Behind may...

Soap Box Research

By Kate Walsh Taking pot shots at the poor quality of most education research can be sport to those of us...

Buck Stops with Students

The status quo method of distributing funds among schools is the centralized or ?staff-based? budgeting process, but it's a process...

Teacher Quality in Connecticut

The Connecticut Education Commissioner recently released a plan to keep quality teachers from leaving their tough urban school districts. The...

Unveiling the ?Bridge?

Last week Pennsylvania decided it had hemmed and hawed enough and is now ready to specify how teachers across the...

State-Funded Laptops Collect Dust

The state of Michigan spent $110 million to equip 90,000 public school teachers with new Macintosh i-Book laptops over three...

Sweet Rewards

The Associated Press reported last month that Arkansas school officials are clamping down on teachers using sugar-based incentives (otherwise known...

It?s Time to Increase the Odds

It?s no secret that current state and local policies across the country do not always reflect the best research, and...

A Welcome Review

The TC Record features a review of A Qualified Teacher in Every Classroom?, co-edited by Kate Walsh, president of NCTQ....