Who Best To Tutor Our Children

On October 19, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that enrollment of public school students in free tutoring programs has exploded to...

American Board Embroiled in Political Fire

In an unfortunate political development, Congressman George Miller (D-California) called for a GAO investigation last week into grants made by...

Turning Shady Deals into Smart Spending

It is deals like this that make us wonder who has been minding Uncle Sam's shop. Apparently, under current...

First They Lose to the Red Sox, Now the Teachers' Union?

Word on the street is that if New York’s teacher union negotiations were a game of chicken, Mike Bloomberg would...

Showdown at the Class-Size Corral

Under current Texas state law, class sizes must be capped at 22 students for grades K through 4. The...

Adolescent Behavior Theory 101

There will be no more missing homework, forgotten pencils, or misplaced notebooks at Skyview Middle School in Oakdale, Minnesota, where...

To Tutor or Not to Tutor?

According to a recent article in Raleigh's News & Observer, NCLB's mandate that persistently low performing schools must give...

You Can't Make This Stuff Up: Teacher Appreciation in New Jersey

In New Jersey, a teacher certification "backlog" has meant that over one thousand new teachers have entered classrooms without official...

The Ying of Teacher Recruitment: New York

Appearing to fall into the "nothing-new-here" category, the New York Daily News is reporting that New York City can?t find...

The Yang of Teacher Recruitment: Chicago

Chicago is reporting an unprecedented number of applications for teaching positions this year, up a full 2,500 from last year....

Reform Up North

Not exactly a slouch in the schools department to begin with, Minnesota has just distinguished itself by being the first...

Teacher Policy 101

The American Association of State Colleges and Universities has just released Teacher Education: Scan of Issues, Roles, Activities, and Resources,...

Teacher-to-Teacher Website Launched

Apparently cutting out the middle man, the US Department of Education has launched a website offering on-line professional development to...

Turn It Up

True to schools' endless fascination with technology--and perhaps the distraction it provides from having to deal with more intractable problems...

Schools Take Harold and the Purple Crayon to Heart

And while we are on the subject of schools' bottomless capacity to distract themselves, San Diego educators are taking on...