Spellings soft on states?

Out West, states which are usually hotbeds for the Grand Old Party continue to be the source of much consternation...

Fix this funding gap!

A recent report from the Education Trust-West casts a harsh light on a knotty but significant problem: poor schools are...

Adding teachers, not subtracting students, equals smaller class sizes in Florida

Regardless of what Governor Jeb Bush intends to do about that 'nasty' class size amendment he's been straddled with, many...

Who needs social security anyway?

In an attempt to close state budget gaps by shifting some of the responsibility for educator pensions from state coffers...

Virginia & the Praxis I: It?s all about timing

Virginia has gotten lots of public kudos over the years for setting the highest bar in the nation for its...

Keeping experienced teachers in all classrooms

Good data on teacher attrition broken out by the type of school that teachers are leaving can be awfully hard...

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

As teacher transfer season opens across the country, districts are faced with the perennial issue of filling empty teacher slots...

Utah Takes a Page from the North Dakota Playbook

In the last few issues of TQB, we have reported on events unfolding in North Dakota where education officials there...

Small Classrooms, Big Headaches in the Sunshine State

Florida Governor Jeb Bush is dangling a new carrot in front of teachers in hopes that they will support his...

Fueling Merit Pay in Texas

There's no shortage of ideas on teacher pay in Texas. Earlier this month, House leaders in Austin laid out a...

Beating the Bushes for $20 Billion in the Big Apple

Before the court has even weighed in on how to implement the massive funding increase resulting from the recently settled...

NYC's UFT Goes Charter

Meanwhile, UFT President Randi Weingarten isn't wasting the opportunity to blast Bloomberg over the CFE funding while also continuing the...

Alaska Looks to Videotape for Teacher Evaluation

Alaska's teacher unions are protesting an interesting new state proposal that would require teachers seeking recertification to complete a performance...

Solving Immigration Problems When Recruiting Teachers from Overseas

Hiring teachers from abroad has grown increasingly popular, but getting them into the country post-9/11 is a huge headache. ...

Turning Peer Pressure into Model Behavior

First Lady and former schoolteacher Laura Bush is getting tough on youth violence. She recently became head of the $150...