National Partnership to Address Hard-to-Staff Schools

Three education groups, the Education Commission of the States, the Educational Testing Service, and Learning Point Associates have formed The...

North Dakota: A Victory Apparent

NCLB watchers fixed their eyes on North Dakota this week watching state education officials and feds from the Department of...

Pennsylvania Drops the Ball on Special Education

As all states must, Pennsylvania is trying to cope with that nagging NCLB requirement that special ed teachers can't just...

Chicago: Where the Feds Don't Blink

In other NCLB stories, the standoff between the feds and Chicago school officials is at an end and both parties...

A Step Backward in San Diego

San Diego Public Schools Superintendent Alan Bersin's contract was severed a year early last week, after November elections shifted the...

South Carolina National Board: Right on Target

Good for South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (R) who wants to provide greater incentives to National Board-certified teachers who agree...

Merit Pay Plans Abound

Joining the merit pay bandwagon, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Superintendent James Pughsley last week announced a $52 million plan to strengthen high-poverty schools...

Koret Road Show on Ed Reform

Many of the nation's big thinkers in the education reform movement took a road show to Little Rock, Arkansas last...

Tying Teacher Pay to Merit, Not Tenure

In his recent State of the State address, the Governator joined forces with a select group of his peers by...

The Latest on North Dakota

U.S. Department of Education officials are revisiting North Dakota later this month to try and smooth things over with state...

More News on the HQT Front

Perhaps it's the clock ticking away closer to 2006, perhaps it's the lack of even a whisper on the Hill...

The Windy City: Battle Ground on Supplemental Services (A.K.A: Tutoring)

The Chicago tutoring programs run by private companies are not without serious flaws, according to recent article in the Chicago...

Two Sides on Union Reform

Take a gander at a sharp thinking editorial in the Wall Street Journal from scholar Terry Moe, who is able...

Special Ed Teachers Left Holding the Bag

Three years after they were supposed to have done so, Ohio State education officials are getting around to telling state...

On Politics and Highly Qualified Teachers in North Dakota

The holiday timing of a letter to teachers in North Dakota makes it all too clear what some ed officials...