Can I get a job like this?

The West Virginia Board of Education made a rather unfortunate decision recently. Veteran teachers who have received five consecutive satisfactory...

School textbooks: Publishers gone wild

It's no secret that states, districts, and schools often select textbooks for reasons having little or nothing to do with...

Adamowski forsakes Ivory Tower for real work

NCTQ Advisory Board member Steve Adamowski will leave the American Institutes of Research (AIR) in mid-November to become the superintendent...

The feds, the reformers, and the union: three takes on NCLB

The US Department of Education recently posted states' revised plans for putting a highly qualified teacher (HQT) in every classroom...

Social justice or so much for justice?

In a recent article in City Journal, Sol Stern explores "social justice" pedagogy--a disturbing trend in ed schools. Social justice...

Another skirmish in the reading war that won't end

Perhaps growing weary of turning the other cheek, the U.S. Department of Education is more aggressively defending itself against critics...

Flat world, flat ideas

The Center for Innovative Thought's recent teacher policy manifesto begins with the now-obligatory discussion of the impending declines in the...

Differential pay catching on?

From coast to coast, there is a wave of new programs designed to increase the number of math, science, and...

Performance pay gets second wind in Iowa

Iowa is trying--yet again--to implement a performance pay package for teachers. Last week, the state's Teacher Pay-for-Performance Commission convened...

Retired and rehired

The typical first response by school districts when faced with daunting teacher shortages has traditionally been to rehire their retired...

TQ supergroup coming soon

While the name doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, the newly launched Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education...

More bad news for the National Board

Last month, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards was pressured into releasing an unflattering study by Tennessee value-added guru...

NCTQ study's domino effect?

On the heels of the release of NCTQ's study What ed schools aren't teaching about reading and what elementary teachers...

Problems in the preparation pipeline

Teacher licensing tests are taking quite a hit this summer, at least in respect to how good of a job...

Keeping the system strong, one kid at a time

Schools in Grand Rapids, Michigan expect to lose around 800 students in the next year, about 3 percent of their...