In Michigan, out go the bottom three

The superintendent of Jackson Public Schools in Michigan is looking to manage his teachers more like a baseball team. Superintendent...

Ed Sector tallies teacher benies

Education Sector's latest report, Frozen Assets is a provocative exercise by scholar Marguerite Roza, which attempts to calculate the amount...

SC Governor's bored with the National Board

National Board's 2006 Annus Horribilus seems to be spilling over into 2007 with news out of South Carolina that Republican...

Florida's STAR: Falling to Earth?

The fate of Florida's new performance pay program, STAR (Special Teachers are Rewarded), seems grim. Though many of the state's...

Rejecting teacher bonuses: Secret motives, secret ballot

An anonymous donor recently donated $400,000 to two low-performing Nashville schools to be used for teacher bonuses. But according to...

Major bonuses in NC: Super size me

This year North Carolina's Guilford County launched an incentive plan to attract and retain qualified teachers for the district's low-income...

Wisconsin governor to lift teacher pay cap

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle is poised to propose a lift of the state's long-standing 3.8 percent cap on annual teacher...

State-level reports on teacher quality

There's been a spate of useful education reports coming out of various state groups. Visions of a new Delaware A recent...

NCTQ Advisory Board grabs four greats

NCTQ is pleased to announce the addition of four new members to our prestigious Advisory Board. First we welcome...

NCTQ welcomes new VP for Policy, Sandi Jacobs

NCTQ is pleased to announce a wonderful new addition to our growing team: Sandi Jacobs as Vice President for...

Have you checked out our new database?

Earlier this month, NCTQ launched an amazing new tool to give the public better access to the content of collective...

How Not to Solve Teacher Shortages

The U.S. Department of Education is sending out a crop duster to spray a thin layer of federal largesse over...

TEAC: Nipping at the Heels of NCATE

The Chronicle of Higher Education takes an interesting look at the slow but steady progress made in recent years by...

Chicago and Baltimore: Retrained to retain

Chicago will soon be spending $150,000 to educate its principals on one of the most basic aspects of their job:...

State governments flex their muscles

Other school districts may want to emulate Chicago and Baltimore's proactive personnel strategies. Infuriated by a growing number...