Hawaii teachers burning the midnight oil

Hawaii's teachers are apparently burning the midnight oil. In a recent "study" by the Hawaii Department of Education and the...

Reading research: Do you believe in magic?

The National Council of Teachers of English has published a rebuttal to NCTQ's report on the dismal quality of teacher...

Math for America: At what price success?

What started as a great idea for recruiting some high quality math and science teachers into the secondary system may...

Reading, writing and...dating?

Forget teaching kids how to read. Heck- toss out any arguments about "teaching to the test". Because in Fort Bend,...

Accreditation redux

I think you overlooked some of the more interesting aspects of the recent AACTE vote on the its resolution calling...

STAR implodes, Florida changes course with new MAP: The skinny on Florida's new pay plan

A Florida bill to repeal the state's beleaguered Special Teachers Are Rewarded (STAR) performance-pay program and replace it with the...

Myths behind the Career Ladder: rungs and hoops

Many a conversation about teacher quality bandies about the wonderful possibilities of the Career Ladder. The theory is that effective...

This study and $4 will buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks

Wonders never cease. With all the fanfare of a Capitol Hill briefing attended by various politicos, Teachers College released a...

Too many teachers being trained in Michigan---and no wonder, the benefits are great

Recent research shows that three out of four of Michigan's newly minted teachers cannot find jobs in their home state....

Fixing the Ed.D: Good luck with that!

It's generally pretty easy to trash the value of Ed.D. degrees, even though it's how most aspiring principals are forced...

Resisting alternatives

Life is always more entertaining during the legislative season, especially when courageous (or naive) legislators take on the education monolith....

Schwarzenegger and Spitzer take on the hiring and firing status quo

Governors in the two most populous states are both raising the ante on school accountability. Armed with a boatload...

Accreditation acrimony

The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, recently passed a resolution favoring the idea of only having one accrediting...

A closer look at math and science ed in California

A couple of California think tanks have taken a look at how well that state is preparing its math and...

Brief items

The answer is: just live in West Virginia and teach in Maryland Earlier this month a quarter of West Virginia's teachers...