How not to do performance pay

There has been no shortage of post-mortems for Florida's now defunct STAR merit pay initiative, but states and districts venturing...

Personally, I never wanted to know if my math teacher was good in bed

Two news stories out of Ohio this month grapple with the thorny issue of teacher privacy rights. The first, reported...

TeacherInsight--Insightful screening device or education gobbledy gook?

Districts across the nation are glomming on to a new piece of software from the Gallup Organization that promises to...

Fiscal fiasco in the City of Angels

The new Los Angeles Unified School District's $95 million payroll system was supposed to be a state of the art...

We're all about New York: mentoring program discarded

New York City is trading in its three-year-old teacher induction program for one which permits schools to grow their own....

More New York: Bouncing off the walls in the Rubber Room

The New York Times paints a bleak picture of that city's "teacher reassignment centers," aka "Rubber Rooms." These rubber...

Tired of New York yet? Housing perks for urban teachers

Help is on the way for New York City teachers who want to both live and work in the Big...

Jefferson County Part 2: Race and teacher assignments

Jefferson County Public Schools in Louisville, Kentucky is once again in the news for its integration policies, but this...

Available now: Lesson plans from Ed Sector

Kudos to Washington think tank Education Sector for not just carping at the status quo (like we love to do),...

New York City: A deal at any cost

by Kate Walsh In principle, innovation is generally something to applaud. It is the end result of all sorts of...

Teacher turnover: Not all doom and gloom

The sky might not be falling after all, at least according to researchers Doug Harris and Scott Adams. Gently,...

New York shows districts can improve teacher quality gap

Another new study includes some results that ought to give those of us who spend a lot of time maligning...

Milwaukee shows how to do it

The New Teacher Project's determined battle to improve the often deplorable and counterproductive ways in which big urban...

Union-district rift begins in DC

Despite endorsing DC Mayor Adrian Fenty's election bid and his takeover of city schools, it didn't take long for the...

Do the crime, pay the time...But you can still teach

If you assume (like we did) that a state would automatically revoke a license for a teacher found guilty of...