It’s not too late to fix this problem.
Absent federal requirements that would require states to disaggregate their distribution data at a school-level or adhere to a set of common definitions defined at the federal level, it is not surprising that states have taken many different approaches and manifested a range of commitment to measuring the distribution of their teacher workforce.
However, this level of variability is not unique to this provision. When it comes to federal education policy, it is not a given that more prescriptive approaches lead to greater or more genuine commitment on the part of states. For example, there is little evidence that the far more prescriptive “highly qualified teacher” requirement found in the 2000 No Child Left Behind Act was a successful effort to improve teacher quality. On the other hand, the lack of impact from that failed provision may be attributable to a poorly conceived and executed solution, not its prescriptive nature.
This newer provision under ESSA advanced a much less ambitious design, with no hint of a federal hammer. As documented here, many states will not achieve its most basic aim, failing to quantify the extent to which low-income students and students of color have less access to qualified and effective teachers than other students in order for states and their LEAs to ameliorate any gaps. The provision did not seek to penalize states, districts, or teachers for what was learned, only to ensure that this long-standing educational challenge would be better understood, a modest goal falling well short of federal overreach.
Still, while tempting, it is too soon to write off the broader positive contribution this provision may have in a number of states. Given the federal government’s weak authority in education, it may be expecting too much—no matter how stringent a federal law—that all 50 states and the District of Columbia would equally share enthusiasm or urgency for any issue, no matter how compelling the evidence or need. Further, it could be the case that the provision’s flexible nature has led more states out of a compliance mindset, taking more ownership for genuinely addressing this problem.
To date, the Biden Administration has not chosen to weigh in on this provision for the purpose of providing greater clarity than the limited guidance provided by the Trump Administration. While in certain respects the horse has already left the barn, there are still opportunities to encourage states to consider adopting common, research- based definitions and to publish data that is disaggregated down to the school level.
We offer four recommendations for states to consider:
- Improve how data is reported so it is clearer how schools and districts fare in relation to the state average or other obvious points of comparison (such as schools and districts with comparable populations). Currently, less than half of states compare each LEA’s distribution data to the state average. Florida and New Mexico stand out as state exemplars.
- Add a summary calculation capturing all of the measures used to define an effective and qualified teacher. While it is valuable for states to report the distribution of teachers under each measure, it is equally valuable to produce a summative score, as Arkansas and Colorado have done. Colorado does this by publishing gap size categories; Arkansas calculates a Workforce Stability Index. These summary calculations easily show where equity gaps compound.
- Incorporate the best available teacher effectiveness data. Currently 31 states do not attempt to capture any measure of teacher effectiveness, even though 19 are already collecting effectiveness data for other purposes. Using available objective measures of effectiveness would instill greater confidence in this measure, yet many states choose not to include this data even though the state has it available. Indiana stands out as an exemplar, both for including this effectiveness data on the same webpage as the state’s other teacher quality indicators, and for using measures of student growth in their teacher evaluation system. Their reporting could be made stronger by reporting on out-of-field teaching.
- Commit to refreshing data at least every other year. States should focus on producing a strong trend line by which to measure progress, requiring regular updating of data. The only way to ensure we are addressing equitable access is with data.
We offer two recommendations for the federal government to consider:
- Establish regulations to provide clear guidance to states including definitions and timelines for reporting. With the recovery of the pandemic front and center, how teacher talent is distributed is as important to understand now as ever before, particularly as we know students from low-income families and students of color suffered the most in terms of learning loss.20 Regulations provide an opportunity to tighten up the holes left in states’ plans by lackadaisical approval processes at the time.
- Invest in teacher data systems. Understandably, the pandemic and getting students back to in-person learning was a priority for the current administration. As these efforts seem to be paying dividends and most students are now back at in-person learning, understanding the distribution of talent must be front and center. Providing a significant funding opportunity for states to invest in their teacher data systems, would not only help states report better information on equity gaps for the most disadvantaged students, but could also shed more light on teacher supply and demand. This Administration has the opportunity to bring equitable access back to the forefront.