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Learn more about evidence-based approaches to strengthening and diversifying your teacher workforce with NCTQ’s reports, guides, and articles.

Black History Month: Learning to read is a civil right
  • Elementary Reading
  • Black History Month: Learning to read is a civil right

    Parents in Massachusetts are stirring up “some good trouble” by suing the authors and publishing companies who “peddled a raft of products and curricula that sought to diminish and even exclude systematic and daily phonics instruction.”

    February 27, 2025

    Dear Mr. President, When teachers thrive, America thrives

    Dear Mr. President, When teachers thrive, America thrives

    Dear Mr. President,
    Congratulations on your inauguration. I write to you concerning a matter that is critical to the success of our great nation: teacher quality.

    January 23, 2025

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    Every minute counts: How districts govern teacher time

    Every minute counts: How districts govern teacher time

    Teachers’ time is one of our most precious resources in schools. To design policies that make the best use of time to support teacher effectiveness, it’s helpful to see how school districts allocate it and how that compares across the country.

    March 7, 2025

    Black History Month: Learning to read is a civil right
  • Elementary Reading
  • Black History Month: Learning to read is a civil right

    Parents in Massachusetts are stirring up “some good trouble” by suing the authors and publishing companies who “peddled a raft of products and curricula that sought to diminish and even exclude systematic and daily phonics instruction.”

    February 27, 2025

    How to unlearn problematic teaching practices

    How to unlearn problematic teaching practices

    As the field of neuroscience advances, so does our understanding of what works in teaching and learning. The best recent example of this? The reading movement. Our knowledge of how children’s brains learn to read has increased, and it has led to a revolution in how to teach children to read.

    February 27, 2025

    What can California, Texas, and Washington, D.C. teach us about how to diversify the teacher workforce?
    A smiling teacher kneeling beside a pupil's desk
  • Teacher Diversity
  • What can California, Texas, and Washington, D.C. teach us about how to diversify the teacher workforce?

    Nationally, the diversification of the teacher workforce is slowing compared to the diversification of college-educated adults, but California, Texas, and Washington, D.C. are bucking that trend. Explore what factors contribute to their relatively high rates of teacher diversity and how their policies and practices will likely affect teacher quality.

    February 1, 2025

    Dear Mr. President, When teachers thrive, America thrives

    Dear Mr. President, When teachers thrive, America thrives

    Dear Mr. President,
    Congratulations on your inauguration. I write to you concerning a matter that is critical to the success of our great nation: teacher quality.

    January 23, 2025

    Does paid parental leave for teachers pay off?
  • Teacher Leave & Benefits
  • Does paid parental leave for teachers pay off?

    Recent news of advances in state policy granting paid parental leave gives hope that policymakers increasingly recognize the importance for districts, teachers, and their families. But how much progress has there been? And what are the costs?

    January 9, 2025

    A New Roadmap for Strengthening Teacher Diversity
  • Teacher Diversity
  • A New Roadmap for Strengthening Teacher Diversity

    A diverse teacher workforce benefits all students, especially students of color. Students of color who have experiences with teachers of color are more likely to achieve life milestones like high school graduation, college enrollment, and college completion.

    Many states and districts have been trying to diversify their teacher workforces. Still, NCTQ’s Teacher Diversity Dashboard reveals a troubling trend: Even though the racial diversity of college-educated adults is increasing, the teacher workforce is not keeping pace. In other words, people of color who could be teachers are increasingly opting out.

    This brief outlines how to explore the workforce trends in your state and consider possible policy solutions to create a more diverse teacher workforce.

    December 1, 2024

    Reimagining the Teaching Role Research Summary
  • Reimagining Teaching
  • Reimagining the Teaching Role Research Summary

    This research summary examines the research behind key components of strategic staffing models, such as formalized teacher leadership and mentorship, differentiated compensation, teacher working conditions, teacher collaboration, and class size adjustments.

    September 17, 2024

    Reimagining the Teaching Role
  • Reimagining Teaching
  • Reimagining the Teaching Role

    Our classrooms haven’t kept pace with the changing world. The Ford Model T represented breakthrough technology in its day—more than 100 years ago—but it wouldn’t serve us well today. Likewise, our traditional classroom model from the same era doesn’t work well for far too many students and teachers. In fact, as a result of this outdated model, it is more difficult for schools to find and keep great teachers, which ultimately hurts student learning.

    This interactive resource answers questions and provides guidance about reimagining teaching based on your leadership role. It contains a scan of state policies that impact whether districts can make strategic staffing a reality, case studies from innovative states and districts that are leading the way, and advice for leaders on how to get started.

    September 17, 2024

    Clinical Practice Action Guide
  • Clinical Practice
  • Clinical Practice Action Guide

    A strong clinical practice (or student teaching) experience can make a new teacher as effective as one in their second or third year in the classroom—a big gain for those teachers and, more importantly, their students. Providing every aspiring teacher with a strong clinical practice experience requires collaboration from prep programs and districts, often supported by their state.

    In this action guide, you can review the six essential focus areas of a strong clinical practice experience; use the self-assessment tool to help you identify where to start; and read case studies from prep programs, school districts, and states that are getting it right.

    August 1, 2024