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Teacher Leave & Benefits

Adequate leave policies and benefits help school districts attract and retain great teachers, ultimately leading to better student outcomes.

Most districts don't offer teachers paid parental leave

Although the number of large districts in our sample that offer paid parental leave has doubled in the past two years, most districts (57%) still don't offer this crucial benefit.

Explore the Data on Teacher Leave & Benefits

Affording to stay healthy: The costs of health insurance for teachers

Affording to stay healthy: The costs of health insurance for teachers

How do rising healthcare costs affect teachers and school districts? Which districts are working to keep coverage affordable for teachers?

Our analysis reveals how health premiums have outpaced teacher salary growth since 2018.

Teacher leave policies: How much paid time off do teachers get?

Teacher leave policies: How much paid time off do teachers get?

We investigate how much paid leave teachers get, how leave accumulates over time, what types of paid leave are available, and what incentives districts offer for teachers who do not use all their available leave.

More like this

  1.  Bowser, K. M. (2025). Does paid parental leave for teachers pay off? Washington, DC: National Council on Teacher Quality.
  2. The sample for this analysis, drawn from NCTQ’s Teacher Contract Database, consists of 148 school districts in the United States: the 100 largest districts in the country, the largest district in each state, and the member districts of the Council of Great City Schools.