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Teacher Evaluation

Strong teacher evaluation systems can help improve teachers’ practice, identify and uplift highly effective teachers, remove ineffective teachers from the classroom, and enhance the overall quality of the workforce.

How Strong Teacher Evaluation Systems Strengthen Teacher Quality

When implemented effectively, teacher evaluation systems are helpful tools for strengthening the teacher workforce and improving student outcomes. A well-designed system does more than simply rate teachers; it recognizes excellence, supports professional growth through regular feedback, and ensures all students have access to high-quality instruction.

A robust teacher evaluation system incorporates multiple measures of teacher performance, carefully approaches observations and feedback, directs teachers to customized professional learning, and attaches meaningful stakes to ratings, such as performance pay. Evaluation systems with these components are worth the investment. By supporting teachers’ growth and celebrating excellence, these systems help create schools where teachers and students thrive.

Latest Findings

State of the States: Teacher and Principal Evaluation Policies

Effective teacher and principal evaluation systems do more than assess performance—they help educators improve, identify excellence, and strengthen the workforce. Our analysis of evaluation policies across all 50 states and D.C. examines how states design and implement these systems to support educator growth and student success.

21 states

Student growth measures matter

Student growth is core to a teacher’s role, yet 21 states and D.C. still do not require it to be included in teacher evaluations.

Explore the Data on Teacher Evaluation

State Policies on Teacher Evaluation

State Policies on Teacher Evaluation

What makes teacher evaluation systems effective at improving instruction and student outcomes? How can states support high-quality implementation that provides meaningful feedback, recognizes excellence, and fosters professional growth?

Explore NCTQ’s research on evaluation systems that work.

Districts are facing hard choices: How can teacher evaluation help?

Districts are facing hard choices: How can teacher evaluation help?

Districts face critical decisions about their teacher workforce—from staffing schools to managing layoffs.

How are large districts using teacher evaluation systems to identify excellence, support growth, and make strategic workforce decisions?

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