A master's of arts in teaching from Teach For America U?

The New York State Board of Regents seems to have approved a proposal that allows alternative certification groups to train...

The peaks and valleys of teacher absenteeism

As the old adage goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. That's the premise of...

Another KIPP wants out of the UFT

Blogs including Gotham Schools and Eduwonk have reported that teachers at another of New York City's KIPP schools have had...

Book review: Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College

By Rob Rickenbrode, Director, Teacher Preparation Studies In case you're just skimming here, we love, love, love this book. Charter...

Call for proposals: national research competition on teacher quality

Spread the word! NCTQ is now issuing a call for proposals for our second biennial national research competition. We...


Back in December, we ran a story on a study of Teach For America teachers in Los Angeles that...

Can a teacher be born again?

By Kate Walsh and Laura Pomerance A recent cover story in Newsweek had us pondering the more metaphysical considerations surrounding teacher...

A race to the middle

Hoping to make some gains in the second round of Race to the Top, state lawmakers are suddenly in the...

LAUSD school board turns schools over to teachers

In late February, the Los Angeles Unified School District voted to turn over 22 of 30 underperforming and new schools...

Great new VAM research on predicting teacher effectiveness

Providing strong support for making better tenure decisions, a new study of teachers in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school district finds a...

What is your favorite letter? E! E! E! for ESEA and Effectiveness

Dubbed "A Blueprint for Reform," the Obama Administration this month released the outline for its proposed ESEA reforms. While...

Is high teacher turnover survival of the fittest?

There's been a lot of attention paid over the years to the issue of teacher turnover rates, under the two...

What does a preschool teacher need to know?

As part of its Pre[k]now campaign, the Pew Center on the States is calling for all pre-kindergarten educators to have...

30-year case closed in Alabama

Alabama has officially ended the 30-year-old dispute over charges that its teacher licensing test discriminated against black teachers. Back in...

Wilson Fellowships: high end solution

A recently-released survey commissioned by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation titled Career Changers in the Classroom reports that most...