Teacher educator asks right question: Just why are deans so resistant to national review?

Another courageous dean break ranks and endorses national review

Tennessee Moves to Reform Teacher Preparation

Following the release of the 2010 Report Card on the Effectiveness of Teacher Training Programs, concerns about traditional teacher preparation...

Our Thanks to Alaska

With today's addition of Alaska's Commissioner of Education and Early Development Mike Hanley, the ranks of state education officials publicly...

A MATCH made in heaven?

Education economist Roland Fryer recently published a paper demonstrating that tutors trained in the methods of the highly regarded project...

The Pressure is On in L.A.

NCTQ speaks with the Don't Hold Us Back coalition about pushing for change in L.A.

Are Missouri teachers going to "like" the repeal of the Facebook ban?

Missouri's legislature shows teachers some respect in using social media -- but is it enough?

Digging Deeper Into Teacher Layoffs

NCTQ recently did some digging into the magnitude of layoffs in school districts across the country. Despite the White House...

Teacher layoffs: Did the sky fall or not?

Since the recession began, the specter of massive teacher layoffs has been hanging over the nation's schools. The feds have...

Just the research we all want to see: Multiple measures doesn't mean muddied mess

Value-added measures are often criticized for providing a narrow view of a teacher's performance. Conversely, broader measures like observations are...

Fear of commitment? Not for these TFA corps members

Playing the "where are they now?" game over what happens to Teach For America alums after leaving their stints in...

Studying teacher prep's value: Once a trickle, now a flood?

Less than a year ago, we were pretty disappointed about the findings from a study of Florida teacher...

Positive news on performance pay

More from one of our favorite econ guys: Dan Goldhaber crunched eight years of Denver schools data to find out...

More evidence that matching teacher and student race matters

Young, minority community college students in California perform better in courses taught by minority instructors, concludes a new NBER

New from NCTQ: October releases

Catching up on your fall reading? Make sure you didn't miss NCTQ's two reports released this month. State of...

Catching up with PDQ: From our Pretty Darn Quick Blog

Myth busting about our National Review We'll give you the straight facts on NCTQ's role in reviewing teacher preparation programs. The...