States need to zoom in on teacher prep

Consider current state standards for teacher preparation and licensing: The majority of states (32) have no requirements for

Yearbook 2011: Who's up a lot, who's up a little, and who's not up at all

Last week, NCTQ released its 5th annual, 52-volume, 9,000-page compendium examining the state of the states on their policies to...

Duh or not Duh? That is the question.

Duh. That was our first reaction when we read the broad coverage of the much talked about Chetty, Friedman and...

Feeling the heat in Miami

When NCTQ goes into a school district to examine how well its policies and practices align with teacher quality goals,...

More evidence that all tests are not created equal?

While good algebra teachers can raise students' test scores, there's apparently scant evidence that good ninth-grade English teachers--at least those...

What money doesn't appear to be buying

Financial carrots seem to work when they align with the goals of both employers and employees. So how do we...

Catching up with PDQ: From our pretty darn quick blog

Hollywood clashes with NEA Matt Damon meets TFA -- with regrettable results. Learning how to give--and receive Here's a real gift...

NCTQ announces additions to Board of Directors and Advisory Board

We're happy to welcome two new board members to NCTQ's Board of Directors: Mike Miles, the superintendent of the Harrison...

LIFO: the education acronym of the year

For the first time, NCTQ's State Teacher Policy Yearbook looks at layoff policies across states to see whether factors other...

What's the use?

For all the effort on evaluation, are states and districts doing anything meaningful with the results?

Full-court press

We take our case for transparency to court in Wisconsin.

Raising the Bar

NCTQ's new Yearbook shows states are taking student achievement seriously in evaluating teacher effectiveness.

2011 State Teacher Policy Yearbook: No Ordinary Year

NCTQ releases 2011 State Teacher Policy Yearbook

Learning how to give--and receive

A recent Ed Week story about new interventions for special education students caught our eye. All teachers help students develop...

The newest nest egg: malleable intelligence

Empty praise is… well, empty, and it may do more harm than good.